unix socket issue: after a grpc client reinstantiation ...

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TheSteve Бо.

Aug 22, 2024, 2:31:39 PM8/22/24
to grpc.io
Hi, everyone,

i run into a strange problem:

  • a grpc server (own process) with a service api is registered and running with a unix socket
  • a separate grpc client inside a another "client"-service (process) call  this server successfully, all fine
  • after a complete  "client"-service restart, this separate grpc client call fails with: "rpc error: code = Unimplemented desc = unknown service ..."
  • if i now restart the grpc server, the already restarted client can call again this provided grpc service successfully 
It seems for me as a grpc registry usage error  / issue ?!
Have anyone a idea or suggestion pls ? 

Thanks & Greetings Steffen

Kannan Jayaprakasam

Sep 3, 2024, 8:36:43 AM9/3/24
to grpc.io
Need some more details. Are there any changes to the service proto and are you doing any rebuild of the client after stopping it and before starting it again? This could explain the unimplemented error code if the client and server are running with different versions of the service with different method signatures for example.
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