Maybe (hopefully) I'm missing something very simple, but I can't seem to figure this out.
I have a set of Python gRPC services that I would like to put behind a nghttpx proxy. For this I need to be able to configure my client with a channel on a non-root url. Eg.
channel = grpc.insecure_channel('localhost:50051/myapp')
stub = MyAppStub(channel)
This wasn't working immediately through the proxy (it just hangs), so I tested with a server on the sub context.
server = grpc.server(executor)
MyAppService(), server)
server.add_insecure_port('{}:{}/myapp'.format(hostname, port))
I get the following
E1103 21:00:13.880474000 140735277326336 server_chttp2.c:159]
{"created":"@1478203213.880457000","description":"OS Error",
"file_line":115,"os_error":"nodename nor servname provided, or not known",
So the question is - is it possible to create gRPC channels on non-root urls?
ps. Crossposted from - sorry, but I'm keen to find an answer for this...
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