// For use with fluidapp.com (pro version)// For Google Chrome/Firefox/Safari: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/6118-asana-notifications-favicon
(function() { // changes the favicon. avoids setting the same favicon twice. function updateFavicon(unread) { if(this.lastState != unread) { // ensures we're not changing the icon all the time window.fluid.dockBadge = unread ? '★' : ''; window.fluid.requestUserAttention(true); window.fluid.playSound("Tink") ; this.lastState = unread; } } // checks read count and updates favicon if necessary function updateRead(title) { var unread = title.indexOf("●") == 0; updateFavicon(unread); } // observes any changes in the title and checks for the unread mark function install() { var titleNode = document.querySelector('head > title'); this.observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { mutations.forEach(function(mutation) { var newTitle = mutation.target.textContent; updateRead(newTitle); }); }); observer.observe(titleNode, { subtree: true, characterData: true, childList: true }); // options counter-intuitive to me, but are required, not too expensive updateRead(document.title); // make sure it's up to date before first event } install();})();
// For use with fluidapp.com (pro version)// For Google Chrome/Firefox/Safari: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/6118-asana-notifications-favicon
(function() { // changes the favicon. avoids setting the same favicon twice. function updateFavicon(unread) { if(this.lastState != unread) { // ensures we're not changing the icon all the time window.fluid.dockBadge = unread ? '★' : ''; window.fluid.requestUserAttention(true); window.fluid.playSound("Tink") ; window.fluid.showGrowlNotification({ title: "Title", description: "Description" }); this.lastState = unread; } } // checks read count and updates favicon if necessary function updateRead(title) { var unread = title.indexOf("●") == 0; updateFavicon(unread); } // observes any changes in the title and checks for the unread mark function install() { var titleNode = document.querySelector('head > title'); this.observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { mutations.forEach(function(mutation) { var newTitle = mutation.target.textContent; updateRead(newTitle); }); }); observer.observe(titleNode, { subtree: true, characterData: true, childList: true }); // options counter-intuitive to me, but are required, not too expensive updateRead(document.title); // make sure it's up to date before first event } install();})();
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"I'd suggest trying to make a simple sample app which is like this to see if you can fire a notification, then trying to graft it onto what you're doing."