As most of you have probably noticed, Growl for Windows has not had a significant update in many years. With all major desktop operating systems now providing native notification features, the need for a third-party notification tool has diminished, and I have moved on to other projects that compete for my time.
I know lots of folks still use and rely on GfW so the latest version of the app will remain available for download from Github ( along with the full source code for anyone that wants to fix bugs, add features, or build upon the idea. If anybody is looking for a compatible alternative, Snarl ( supports the same underlying GNTP protocol that GfW uses so you should be able to switch and have your apps continue to work as before.
Finally, I wanted to say thanks to everyone who contributed to GfW over the years, either through code contributions, ecosystem support, feedback on this forum, or just being a happy user of the app. Building GfW into a vibrant open-source app with a large user base was an incredible experience and I truly appreciate all of the support from the community. Thanks you!