[DOWNLOAD [ePub] Screwdrivered (Cocktail, #3) Written By Alice Clayton on Audible Full Chapters

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Apr 12, 2022, 5:02:52 PM4/12/22
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Download or Read EPUB Screwdrivered (Cocktail, #3) by Alice Clayton on Ipad Full Pages.

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Screwdrivered (Cocktail, #3) EPUB


    Download Book Here ==> Download Screwdrivered (Cocktail, #3) Full Chapters.


Book Synopsis : Readers back for a third round of the bestselling Cocktail series will enjoy a madcap romantic comedy about bodice ripping and chest heaving, fiery passion and love everlasting. Plus a dash of paperwork filing and horseshi?wait, what?By day, Viv Franklin designs software programs. By night, Vivian?s a secret romance-novel junkie who longs for a knight in shining armor, or a cowboy on a wild stallion, or a strapping firefighter to sweep her off her feet. And she gets to wear the bodice?don?t forget the bodice.When a phone call brings news that she?s inherited a beautiful old home in Mendocino, California from a long-forgotten aunt, she moves her entire life across the country to embark on what she sees as a great, romance-novel-worthy adventure. But romance novels always have a twist, don?t they?There?s a cowboy, one that ignites her loins. Because Cowboy Hank is totally loin-ignition worthy. But there?s also a librarian, Clark Barrow. And he calls her Vivian. Can tweed jackets and .


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