READ@Pdf The Gods Are Not To Blame [A Play] BY Ola Rotimi on Textbook New Format

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Apr 12, 2022, 4:40:35 PM4/12/22

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  Read Online The Gods Are Not To Blame: [A Play] PDF by Ola Rotimi is a great book to read and that's why I recommend reading or downloading ebook The Gods Are Not To Blame: [A Play] for free in any format with visit the link button below.


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Book Synopsis : The Gods Are Not To Blame: Classical Analogy on the Post-colonial Stage Samenvatting-Eng The proposed research focuses on the use of classical analogy in post-colonial dramatic texts from Ireland, South Africa, Nigeria and the West Indies. By way of a comparative study Weyenberg aims to identify the factors that determine whether or not a playwright, in appropriating Greek tragedy, is successful in contributing to, rather than restricting, the post-colonial political and cultural debate he intends to participate in. She will illustrate that this is largely dependent on whether or not the playwright succeeds in moving beyond an oversimplified translation of the (often binary yet never simplistic) structures that are at the basis of the original narrative, thereby avoiding an unrefined oppositional interpretation of coloniser and colonised and acknowledging the syncretic nature of culture. The emphasis should be on writing in relation to, rather than against, the original canonical .


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