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GPP is confused

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Jeff Sussna

Feb 22, 2012, 6:01:56 PM2/22/12
to Groovy++
I have introduced Groovy++ into an existing project that mixes Java,
Groovy, and Easyb. For the most part it's working fine. However, GPP
is unable to resolve Java or Groovy method calls inside my Easyb file.
It shows them all as underlined in Eclipse. After some
experimentation, I have discovered the following:

1. It doesn't matter whether my easyb file uses ".story" or ".groovy"
for a filename suffix
2. If I wrap my easyb clauses inside a class, the problem goes away
3. If I comment out all references to one particular class that my
easyb clauses are using, the problem goes away
4. That particular class (call it Foo) happens to be the only Groovy
class referenced by my easyb clauses. All others are Java classes. If
I change the filename from "Foo.groovy" to "" the problem goes
away (Foo happens to be legacy Java-compatible code).

Any idea what's going on?

I am using Eclipse 3.6, groovy-all-1.8.2, grovypp-0.9.0_1.8.2, and

Richard Vowles

Feb 22, 2012, 6:25:46 PM2/22/12
With Alex concentrating on Kotlin, and the seeming abandonment of Groovy++ after the Groovy team announced its 2.0 plans (which makes sense), we have been actively pulling Groovy++ out of our code base. I wouldn't add it to anything if I were you.

You may also want to update your easyb, its at 1.6 I think at the moment. 
Richard Vowles,
Grails, Groovy, Java
Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative - Oscar Wilde
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