I am not an expert, bu I think the problem is a lot simpler than this
post makes it blog makes it look.
Simply put:
mapReduce is a function with 3 parameters
1 - a map (like java.util.Map)
2 - a function to perform on each element of the map, which returns
a new map
3 - a function to perform on the result of step 2
This groovy code is /almost/ correct:
def mapReduce = { data, mapFunction, reduceFunction ->
def mappedData = data.collect(mapFunction)
return reduceFunction(mappedData)
Whether you toss each iteration of data.collect onto a separate thread
or a separate process is your own business.
I say /almost/ correct because Groovy's Collection.collect method
returns a java.util.List and not a java.util.Map...
... that's my take on it at any rate.
On Jan 11, 10:15 am, "Jesse O'Neill-Oine" <
je...@refactr.com> wrote:
> Much of this goes over my head, but I figured there might be a few of you
> who would find this interesting.
> Jesse
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Jesse O'Neill-Oine //
> Refactr LLC //
> mobile //
> ----------------------------------------------------------