Status of Group

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Steve Dalton

Oct 12, 2009, 6:11:11 AM10/12/09
to Groovy Sydney
Hi Guys

Just wondering what the status of this group is? Are you guys still
meeting? Nick - are you still doing Groovy?... your last few blog
entries seemed like you are doing some Django now (a fine framework -
but not grails :( )

Reason I ask is that I have written a short article about Australian
Groovy community which is almost finished and I mention this group -
if the group is not running any more, please let me know - I don't
want to mislead anyone at all.

I posted to the Melbourne group a couple of weeks ago - it seems
effectively dead... anyone know otherwise? should probably be removed
from the grails/groovy index.



Oct 13, 2009, 7:19:09 AM10/13/09
to Groovy Sydney
Hi Steve,

It has been way too long since our last meeting. Heck, Nick was
overseas and we were missing his leadership to drive the group forward
with meetings.

Having said that, Nick is now back in town and I for one would like to
meet again to talk about Groovy and related technologies.

If other people are also interested, then please reply to this email
and I will arrange our next meeting. The agenda is still to be
defined; however, there is still a lot to discuss... As I have been
developing a Grails app. during my spare time, I would certainly
benefit from the experience of other people say , in hosting. Yes,
this topic is back again. Based on a cursory market scan, it seems
Cloud Foundry is the go-to platform for the style of applications I am
contemplating but I would love to hear from others so that I can blame
someone if the service provider does not work for me :-).

Nick brought to my attention gpar which seems really great and I am
sure there are others out there. Any specific topics of interest these
days for others?


Fred Janon

Oct 13, 2009, 7:45:59 AM10/13/09

I wish I could join the group in Sydney, maybe next year when I can afford the trip from Perth. I did a presentation last year here about Groovy and Grails at the WA JUG. I have a couple of apps running at customers' sites now. I am currently developing one for my own company that I plan to host on Amazon EC2. A few months ago I tried to use the Grails EC2 plug in with not much success, the author is now working for Spring Source, I guess his solution was bought by Spring Source. So I decided to try EC2 by myself. I learned quite a lot and now have a Windows + Java + Tomcat + mySQL + Grails image that I can use to run Grails apps. I actually am really impressed by EC2. There are quite a few things to learn and get through but it's not that hard and the AWS guys are very responsive in the forums. The only drag is the time required to upload a WAR file with a 256kbits/s ADSL line (around 15-25 mins if I recall correctly). I am right now looking at Erlang, Erlang Web and some other Erlang based frameworks. It's actually very interesting to look at them after working with Grails.



Georgi Knox

Oct 13, 2009, 8:05:03 AM10/13/09
Id be interested in a group meetup.

Steve Dalton

Oct 14, 2009, 5:50:48 AM10/14/09
Fred - you should start a Perth group!
Engage. Succeed. Repeat.
PO Box 5658, GCMC, Q 9726, Australia
tel: +61 (0)7 5668 3424 web:

Lee Butts

Oct 14, 2009, 6:09:44 AM10/14/09
Sorry for the OT, but it might ease Freds pain.

One way I've found to avoid painful uploads is to run a CI server on EC2 (we use Hudson) and then deploy the WAR from there. The bandwidth between EC2 instances is super quick :)

You don't even need to be doing CI, you could just have a small instance ready to go with Grails and automated source checkout then 'grails war'



2009/10/13 Fred Janon <>

Fred Janon

Oct 14, 2009, 7:47:12 AM10/14/09
Ah yep! Smart.

Thanks Lee.


Fred Janon

Oct 14, 2009, 7:49:30 AM10/14/09

I know of only one other person using Grails around here and he's just tinkering with it, he's more of a Rails person.
The Java User's Group here has been dormant for almost a year now and around 15 people attending, so Groovy/Grails UG might be only me! :)


James Dumay

Oct 14, 2009, 8:05:41 AM10/14/09
I'm very interested in hearing more about the kinds of DSLs people are
building using Groovy and what kind of Continuous Integration setups,
test frameworks, code coverage tools, etc people are using for both
Groovy and Grails projects.

It would be also be awesome to add to the meeting some time where
people can show off fancy stuff they are building in a 5 minute time
slot. I don't know about you guys but I sure love to show off the cool
stuff I've worked on :-)

Also, if the meetup needs space I'm more than happy to host the group
at the Atlassian building (We are big Groovy/Grails fans ourselves).


On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 10:19 PM, Gianny <> wrote:


Oct 14, 2009, 6:28:43 PM10/14/09
to Groovy Sydney
How many are in favour of having the next meeting at Atlassian? We
had more people from Atlassian attending the meetings than
ThoughtWorkers when we were hosting it at ThoughtWorks, so I am happy
to move the venue if it means more people will attend.

I am trying to get a SpringSource guy to present on what they are
doing with Groovy/Grails for the next meeting. They won't be
available until the end of November. I'm wondering if anybody would
like to have a meeting at the end of October? We used to have the
meeting on the last Wednesday of each month, so shall we keep with

Also I would like to put a call out for presenters. I would like to
have one or two prepared presentations plus a small session of 5
minute talks on what people have been doing with Groovy/Grails.
Volunteers please!


Chris Broadfoot

Oct 14, 2009, 6:37:06 PM10/14/09
Good news! I'm using Grails for a project at uni - I've gotten very stale with G/G lately so I can show it off in all its glory, I suppose.

I'm happy with either Thoughtworks or Atlassian, and the end of this month sounds fine for me. I just wish I had something cool to talk about or show!

2009/10/15 Nick <>


Oct 14, 2009, 6:18:50 PM10/14/09
to Groovy Sydney
Id come along to a meeting

Gary Mann

Oct 19, 2009, 1:02:56 AM10/19/09
I would attend a Groovy and Grails meetup. Atlassian offices would be a
good venue since they are so central, and I went there for the Java User


Chris Mountford

Oct 26, 2009, 7:14:17 PM10/26/09
Sorry to chime in late on this, but I'm interested in a groovy/grails
event but I'm pretty busy after hours so it will depend on the

2009/10/19 Gary Mann <>:
Chris Mountford
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