Resignation from GRMobileDev

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Ben Rousch

Aug 6, 2013, 8:43:09 AM8/6/13
to GR Mobile Dev
It has become obvious to me in the last few months that I am
over-extended, and that GRMobileDev is suffering the most because of
this. Everything runs pretty well when all I do is organize groups,
but if I do something outside of that treadmill, I fall behind. This
results in meetings that are scheduled way too late as the duties I
need to perform fall through the cracks, that speakers have little to
no time to prepare, or that meetings are cancelled outright. This
reflects poorly on me and also on the group.

It has become more problematic lately as the workload at my day job
has picked up significantly. I want to be more involved with my son's
school and education, but have lacked the free time to do so. I would
like to actually start and finish some personal projects. And I want
to focus on getting a couple of groups into tip-top shape and take
them to new places. My list of ideas and projects grows weekly, but I
never find more than a few minutes to work on any of them. This is
very frustrating for me, and ends up preventing me from doing anything
the way I'd like it to be done.

So I have decided to resign from organizing a couple of user groups.
From which groups to resign was a very difficult decision. I love each
of the user groups I attend and organize, and I've learned so much
from each of them. So I've looked at my current schedule and my
schedule for the upcoming school year. I've looked at which groups
have a membership which should be able to produce a capable organizer
to replace me. I've looked at which groups might benefit by a new
organizer. And I've looked at which groups I most enjoy attending and
interacting with.

GRMobileDev is the only group I run where I know that my personal
prejudices are holding the group back from reaching its full
potential. My dislike of most of the mobile ecosystem affects my
judgement in selecting speakers and topics, and in performing the
outreach to local developers and sponsors that I should be doing.
Whenever an iOS or Windows Phone topic is suggested, my instinct is to
delay responding, with the hope that something else will come up. The
delay becomes forgetfulness, and then the process falls apart.

GRMobileDev has a fairly large membership, so I'm confident that a new
co-organizer can be found. You don't have to be an expert to organize
- you just need to have a bit of free time, the willingness to reach
out to other developers in the community, and enthusiasm for mobile

So it is with a heavy heart - but hopefulness for the future - that I
tender my resignation from the GRMobileDev leadership. With a
well-rounded and engaged leadership team, this group should keep
growing and improving. I hope some of you will step up to help Shane
and Todd shape it into a valuable resource for mobile developers on
any platform.

Ben Rousch

Shai Levit

Aug 6, 2013, 9:46:45 AM8/6/13

It is with a sad heart to see you relinquishing the lead and leadership you so have enjoyed and performed with upmost and exquisite perfection. As an organizer, socializer, program and event creator and manager - you have done a splendid job. I can truly say with any reservation that GRMobileDev is what it is, with the numbers and people and interest because of your dedication and attendance.
It is not trivial or easy to manage so many things, especially when one has a family, busy work schedule and projects, personal time requirements and just some plain meditation time needed and then find that sliver of time to also create a great forum and group dynamics.
As it is sad to see you step down to a mere audience participant - All I can really say of the job and time you have spent up to now is - BRAVO !

I can only hope that this will not mean you will not be present for future GRMobileDev events as an audience and possible a participant in a demo or two.



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Patrick TenHoopen

Aug 6, 2013, 12:45:16 PM8/6/13

I can totally sympathize with you.  I, too, have been very busy with family stuff, spending time with my 18 month old son, and trying to keep up on yard work, housework/maintenance, and regular work stuff.  I've not been able to attend many other group meetings because of that.  I also have been a bit lax in getting presentations lined up for the WMLUG meetings due to a lack of time.  Likewise, my time to work on projects or do research has dwindled to almost nothing.  I am optimistic that I'll eventually find the right balance in spending my time but it will be a challenge for sure.

Thanks for your work on the GRMobileDev group and your past work on the WMLUG group.  It was greatly appreciated!


On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 8:43 AM, Ben Rousch <> wrote:
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