You are looking to work at home? Do you want to make money with your
computer and your internet connection? be your own boss, but not
having to do it all by yourself?
Are you looking for independence and financial freedom? Determine your
own work hours? How much you earn?
Are you willing to trust a company with 10 years of experience and a
clean sheet of conduct?
The DHS Club can help you establish just that!
We offer an honest opportunity to build a real income from your home.
Be Careful! This is not a get rich quick scheme! but a real
opportunity to setup your own company from your home.
can understand that you are sceptical and have questions such as: Does
this work? Is this real? Is this reliable? What do I have to do? Let
try to convince you.
The Work
the DHS Club (Discount Home Shoppers Club) it´s not about the
traditional work at home, like stuffing envelopes or answering emails,
or making a little bit extra. You don´t have to buy or sell anything!
No products that you need to resell. No door to door sales. You stay
at home behind your computer, and nothing else!
is a business proposal for people who are independent and have it in
them to create their own home business with support from the DHS Club
The DHS Club offers you real work with a unique marketing concept.
This concept has more than proven itself over the last 10 years. This
is a unique business oportunity to build a real and increasing income.
So what do you have to do? How does it work?
DHS Club is a consumer organisation that has made discount deals with
over 3500 online shops. As a business partner you will receive online
coaching and training and you will offer people to shop with discount.
Large companies such as, Dell, Esprit, Home Depot, Apple
Computers and also many small companies have joined the ClubShop Mall.
So you and your members get a discount shopping at your favorite
shops. Click on the ClubShop Mall banner and convince yourself.
What´s the produce?
The 10 years of experience of the DHS Club with this concept teaches
that it works! When you decide to become a Vested Income Partner (VIP)
you get access to the e-business institute with a large collection of
training material to teach you to be an e-marketeer, and you
participate in live online trainig sessions with other VIPs and slowly
the first coins start coming in , but it keeps growing! (earn and
learn at the same time!)
Howlong it takes before you start to make money? That differs from
person to person but the most important factor: your effort, nothing
more nothing less! How much will you earn? This also is determined
largely by your effort. There are VIPs that do this as a second job,
but there are also those who do it for their main income. ofcourse it
doesn´t happen automatically, but what you build is permanent!
Does it work?
thousands of people everywhere in the world are profiting from the
choice they made. they have learned to convert the well known mouth to
mouth in to a proffitable business! You can do this too!
Why would you not earn something on purchases of others, especially
when they get discounts aswell! Isn´t that great? And did you realise
that this is an international business? and that the number of
internet shops is growing explosively worldwide? And that the number
of people buying on the internet also grows exlosively!
This is the moment proffit from this!
Why become a FREE member of the DHS Club?
* Experience the proven and reliable way to build an income and
ensure your financial freedom through the internet.
* Determine your own hours, and thus how much you want to earn.
* Do everything 100% from your home or work ofline aswell if you
wish. The Choice is yours.
* The possibility to build a real and growing monthly income, is
* You can try everything for free without any obligation. You do
not take any risk by becoming a member.
* U become a member of an enthousiastic and professional team of
people that help you get established.
Become a FREE Member
To come back to the questions stated in the beginning:
Is this real? Does it work?
The DHS club exists 10 years, it is very real!
What do you have to do?
What you have to do I've explained earlier.
Is this reliable?
Doe you think that what I explained is clear? Do you trust me?
Then now is the time to decide to start your business with me to build
a sure future and
become a Free member!
All * fields are obligatory
First name*:
Family name*:
Zip code*:
Province or state*:
1) Language*:
2) Phone Number*:
Question or remark:
x) By submitting a request for a FREE DHS Club Membership I agree to
accept email from the DHS Club for both their consumer and business
1) Information not available in preferred language will be send in
2) please include country code
is not a DHS Club sponsored or endorsed website. This site is not
maintained by the DHS Club and is independently maintained by the
of the site. This site has been created in english in order to provide
information to prospective members in this language.
Spiros Karakousis
more about me:
mob:+30 6972237903
skype :spyros1681
andres: Athens Psaron 25 27 Greece
Spiros Karakousis
mob:+30 6972237903
skype :spyros1681
andres: Athens Psaron 25 27 Greece