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12/19/16 Grif.Net - What my Friends are Saying

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Robert Griffin

Dec 19, 2016, 11:07:37 AM12/19/16

[What my friends are saying about their lives. Not. Me.]


“Sometimes getting out of bed ruins the whole day.”


“You know you have family issues at Christmas when they all unfriend you on Facebook.”


“Give up carbs?  Over my bread body.”


“If your name isn’t Google, don’t act like you know everything.”


“Today is a day when even my coffee needs coffee.”


“I’ve learned about marriage from chess.  The king takes one small step at a time. The queen is all-powerful and does whatever she wants to do.”


“Let me know when you’re available so I can be sure to be busy then.”


“I wish I was as fat as the first time I thought I was fat.”


“Ever notice that half of 8 could be 4, 3 or o?”


“No one wants to hear about your diet. Just eat your salad and be sad.”


“I’m not lazy; I’m just in the energy-saving mode.”


“If time is money, then I’m running out of time.”


And MY response to them?

“Remember, it’s a status update, not your diary.”



Dr Bob Griffin

"Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!"


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