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05/21/24 Grif.Net - Putting the "Ha" in Hallelujah

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May 21, 2024, 10:44:48 AM5/21/24

Ten funny questions to ask in church:


Q. What did Jonah's wife say when he told her about how long it took to reach Nineveh? 

A. This story sounds a little fishy.


Q. What Bible character knew the most people?

A. No one is sure, but Abraham knew a Lot.


Q. What did Daniel tell his real estate agent? 

A. "I'd prefer a house with no den."


Q. What did Adam say when his wife asked about his favorite holiday? 

A. "It's Christmas, Eve."


Q. Was Noah a pirate sailing the high seas?

A. I’m unsure, but he did call his ship the “arrrrrrk."


Q. Why didn’t David’s older brothers want to fight Goliath?

A. I seemed like a giant ordeal.


Q. When Adam and Eve looked for something to wear, what choices did they have?

A. Take it or leaf it.


Q. What kind of car would Jesus and the disciples drive? 

A. Jesus was a Christler. His disciples were all in one Accord.


Q. What nursery rhyme would baby Jesus love the most?

A. "Mary Had a Little Lamb."


Q. Did Adam and Eve have math homework every day?

A. Yes. They were told to be fruitful and multiply.



Dr Bob Griffin

"Jesus Knows Me, This I Love!"
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