Action Alert! Support the Bay [T]rail Initiative

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Green Wheels

Jun 22, 2012, 10:55:02 AM6/22/12

Green Wheelers - 

Have you wanted to be able to ride or walk on a trail between Eureka and Arcata? Come out to support an effort to encourage railbanking and completion of the Bay Trail. See below for detailed information and talking points from the Bay [T]rail Initiative!

This Tuesday, the Board of Supervisors will be asked to support a proposal that the North Coast Railroad Authority (NCRA) establish a working group at its July 11 meeting to explore railbanking the right-of-way from Eureka to Samoa.  This is the next step in support of the Bay [T]rail Initiative that is advocating for a rail-to-trail conversion of the Eureka to Arcata section of the railroad and the use of the Arcata to Samoa section of the railroad for a tourist train (with an adjacent trail).  This NCRA working group would be expected to report back to the NCRA Board at its November meeting.

We need to pack the house on Tuesday with supporters of this effort who will speak in favor of the railbanking of the Eureka to Samoa right-of-way.  The meeting is scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. in the Board of Supervisors Chambers (825 Fifth Street, Room 111, Eureka).  Watch the new website for updates regarding our place on the agenda:

If you are unable to join Tuesday, the second best option is to send a note of support for the initiative that we can cite at Supervisors meeting and indicate your support on the website (as soon as possible).

Talking Points include:

  • Railbanking the railroad right-of-way north of Eureka will open the way for the development of a safe multi-modal trail between the two biggest population centers around the Bay for use by walkers, bike commuters, recreational cyclists, joggers, etc.
  • Railbanking the railroad right-of-way will serve as an appropriate next step in the development of a tourist train between Samoa and Arcata and museum in Samoa.  Both the multi-modal trail and a tourist train/museum will be attractive to tourists.
  • This represents a more affordable solution (this is not the excessively expensive rail with trail option between Eureka and Arcata) that will allow the community to benefit from this asset rather than have the railroad right-of-way slowly decay.
  • A multi-modal trail has proven health benefits because it encourages individuals to get out, to exercise, to bike commute, etc.

Thanks for your ongoing support and involvement.  Together let’s make this happen!

Dennis Rael, Don Banducci, Judy Hodgson, and Rees Hughes

Bay Trail Initiative Talking Points.docx
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