City Council Meeting Dec 4th - Banning Plastic Bags

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Nov 9, 2012, 7:00:16 PM11/9/12

The City of Mountain View is considering a plastic bag ban on December 4th – will you come to the meeting and show your support for eliminating these polluting and wasteful products?

Mountain View is slated to be the first city in Santa Clara County to consider adopting San Mateo County’s plastic bag ban ordinance. 

Sunnyvale has developed its own bag bag, as has San Jose.

Over 1 million plastic bags enter the Bay each year, suffocating wetlands, threatening wildlife, and polluting our waterways. The ordinance, which bans single-use plastic bags and requires stores to charge 10 cents for each paper bag, was developed through the partnership effort of 24 cities in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties.  This regional approach will ensure the greatest environmental benefit with the least impact on businesses and consumers.

Here is the meeting information:

What: Mountain View City Council considering a ban on plastic bags

When: Tuesday, December 4th @ 6:30pm; verify meeting time on the agenda (see below)

Where: Council Chambers at City Hall, 500 Castro Street, Second Floor

Agenda will be posted here at least 72 hours before the meeting:


To RSVP for the meeting or if you would like more information about this issue, please contact Save The Bay’s Policy Volunteer, Laura Rubiano-Gomez:

Thank you for supporting plastic bag-free streets and creeks in Mountain View!

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