Zero-Carbon Electricity Workgroup

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May 22, 2013, 2:06:38 AM5/22/13
to GreenMountainView
Dear friends,
I have been contacted by some people working on a local zero-waste
group, and one of their focus points is zero-carbon electricity.

Although in Mountain View we don't have the luxury of city-provided
utilities, there are some ways that our residents can help move us
towards a zero-carbon goal.

If anyone in Green Mountain View is interested in leading a group
which would possibly focus on some of the following areas, please
contact me and I'll put you in touch with the relevant people who are
spearheading this project.


<excerpt from email thread>

5) Form a local group that:
a. encourages individuals to do steps 1-4 below
b. publicizes a goal of a 60% reduction in 10 years
c. gets educated about electricity emissions and the new
energy economy
d. helps coordinate community solar projects -
potentially through city-hall
e. puts pressure on PG&E to supply power that's at least
50% carbon-free to your community
f. lobbies PG&E to implement a feed-in-tariff program
g. lobbies your state legislators to ask for a 50% RPS by
h. encourages individuals and businesses to calculate
their carbon footprint (via web-based calculators)
i. encourages individuals to be air-aware

1) Buy an electric car
2) Install solar on your roof
3) Buy into a community solar project
4) Buy a heat pump water heater and/or furnace particularly if
you've done 2) or 3)
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