The Sun, and Global Warming

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Willie McDonald

Oct 22, 2011, 10:11:59 AM10/22/11
to greenhouseeffect

IR Radiation, and Temperature

The scientific facts are all meteorologist only recognize two temperature readings, the actual temperature, which is generated by the sun, and the heat index, or the ambient temperature, which is purportedly generated by greenhouse gases, due to the absorption of solar IR radiation. Greenhouse gases traps IR solar radiation preventing it from escaping back into space, thereby raising the heat index. Or the ambient temperature.

Its the actual temperature that has risen over the decades, not the heat index. The ambient temperature only get as much as 15 deg (F) above the actual temperature. The higher the actual temperature the higher the heat index. Does the greenhouse gase theory represent a third temperature reading? What temperature reading does greenhouse gases represent?

Greenhouse gases only radiate heat due to the absorption of IR solar radiation. Only the sun can generate heat. Unless there's a third temperature reading that all meteorologists around the world are not aware of? Someone answer my question, please.
What temperature reading does global warming represent?

Willie McDonald

Sam Carana

Oct 23, 2011, 4:17:55 AM10/23/11
to Greenhouse Effect
Emissions create anomalies, i.e. warming above what would be be the
temperature without such emissions.

For the dangers of this, see my updated post at:

Sam Carana

On Oct 23, 1:11 am, Willie McDonald <> wrote:
>  *IR Radiation, and Temperature*
> **
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