Solar rally on Sunday

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Jo Mason

Sep 28, 2012, 4:30:49 AM9/28/12
Below is an extract from the Conservation Council of SA bulletin about a rally this coming Sunday to support a Solar Thermal Plan for Port Augusta, to replace the coal-fired power stations due to close down with a (base load) solar thermal plant instead of a gas one.

     'Adelaide Rally Sunday 30 September 1 pm in Rundle Park, walking to Victoria Square, via Parliament House to show our politicians that the community supports SA becoming the Solar state.
Bring friends and family followed by family-friendly events at Elder Park. There will be speakers, bands, kids activities, food and drinks, campaign stalls, street theatre and belly dancing - Master of Ceremonies will be the legendary Dr Karl Kruszelnicki
We will be welcoming the people who have just finished the epic 2 weeks walk from Port Augusta, so join us to send a message that we need strong action on climate change.
Our aim is to demonstrate a groundswell of support from across South Australia.Thanks!
There are solidarity walks happening all over the country (and in key electorates) on Sunday, so share this with friends interstate.'

You can find more information about the plant on the Beyond Zero Emissions website <>.

Hope to see you there.

Jo Mason
ph: 08 8390 1507

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