The Tracker Backlog—MARCH 2018 Newsletter

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Pivotal Tracker

Mar 27, 2018, 2:19:14 PM3/27/18
Tracker's hottest new club is The Consultancy Directory. Plus, app updates!
Tracker's hottest new club is The Consultancy Directory. Plus, app updates!
In this springtime for Tracker issue: a call to join our new Consultancy Directory; fancy new keyboard moves and an Account Members report; how to INVEST in your user stories; an in-depth look at all the ways to search in Tracker; and getting traction with your diversity and inclusion efforts. 

Looking to find a software consultancy to support your team or get more exposure for your own consultancy? Join the likes of Mojo Tech, The Development Factory, and Carbon Five and get listed in our Consultancy Directory. Peer pressure!


Move over, mouse: You can now use the spacebar and arrow keys to move stories around within a panel. Need to see a list of account members, but don’t want to get your hands dirty with our API? Try the Account Members report, which provides all that info in bite-sized CSV format.

How to INVEST in your user stories

Good communication is vital to any project, and user stories are a fundamental building block. See how the INVEST model can help you write more concise, clear, and actionable user stories.

Discovering Tracker: Search

Do more with your searches in Tracker: Share them to give teammates more info, find out what specific people are working on, track related stories across multiple projects, or locate missing classmates.

How to get a diversity and inclusion program started

Diversity and inclusion can be thorny, complicated issues, but that shouldn’t prevent you from tackling them. Melinda Epler and Wayne Sutton, co-founders of Change Catalysts and Tech Inclusion, join Build this month to discuss how to get your D&I efforts off the ground—and how to make them lasting.

D&I 411
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