Date: Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Time: 11 am PDT | 2 pm EDT | 7 pm GMT
Duration: 60 min How do you approach a product redesign when you aren't quite sure how to fit it into your roadmap? Is refactoring one of your never-ending roadmap initiatives? You're not alone—most companies will face a redesign or a major refactoring at some point, and don't have all the answers.
Well, we're hoping to provide some. Sign up for our free webinar and Q&A bonanza where our expert panel—featuring leaders from ProductPlan, Notion, and Pivotal Tracker—will answer your questions about product redesigns. Submit your question when you register, and we'll address as many as possible.
Sign up for our webinar to find out when a redesign might be necessary and how to measure success; how refactoring a project fits into an agile workflow; and how to make room on your roadmap for a product redesign.
Take advantage of this free webinar before you embark on your next product redesign.
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Featured Speakers
Annie Dunham has worked with product and engineering teams for the last 15 years to bring technology products to market. Prior to ProductPlan, she worked with teams at Elite Meetings, LogicMonitor, BlueCasa Communications, and Microsoft.
Dan Podsedly is a Pivotal Labs VP and the General Manager of Pivotal Tracker, the popular project collaboration tool for modern software teams. Dan has been with Pivotal Labs since the mid-2000s and has experience in every aspect of software development, including engineering, product management, and UX design.
Kevin Steigerwald is a cofounder and head of product at Notion. He's a full-stack product designer with over 10 years' of experience designing, researching, marketing, planning, and building products.
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The Product Stack is a fellowship of like-minded organizations that offers practical solutions for modern product teams. Our quest is to shine a light on the challenges teams face and offer up real advice and solutions that address these challenges head on.
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