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Nov 30, 2012, 1:48:37 PM11/30/12
NEWLUG, started in Green Bay back in the mid 90's, shortly after Linux made it's debut.

At that time NEWLUG meet here in Green Bay, more specifically at the Frontier Building in Ashwaubenon.

In the mid 2000's they were meeting at Sports Corner in De Pere.  Since the mid to late 2000's they have been meeting in Appleton.   The goal of creating this list, is to create rallying place for Linux enthusiasts in the Green Bay area.  If this list grows, we can workout a meeting place.

My name is Steve, and I have lurked the NEWLUG list for many years, and made a few meetings back when it met in Ashwaubenon. 

My preference is RedHat based systems, and am a personal Linux user, as well as electronics and amateur radio enthusiast.

This list is to encompass all Linux flavors, and types, whether you only use Linux at work, or home, all are welcome.  

Please feel free to introduce yourself to the group upon joining, or you can just skip the chit-chat and post whatever you are having trouble with :-)
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