Charles Breeze: Boley is our Hero. I support Bai Gbala

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Kirkpatrick Weah

Mar 15, 2010, 9:43:00 AM3/15/10
to,,, OneLi...@yahoogroups.comm,,
Charles Breeze,
Boley has a title of LPR in the United States. LPR means Permanent Legal Residency. Check it out. You wanted to know which law the US government is going to use to prosecute Boley. I provided it below. Here you are asking if your friend is a resident in the US. Read the stories from his son and wife. Go and ask them.
 So, Breeze, which Krahn people is he "Hero" for and which Krahn group is he not "Hero" for? Please provide me an answer.  Oh, is Boley Krahn now? Hmm. I can remember during the war when some people were saying in Grand Gedeh that the Sarpos were not Krahn and that Boley was not a real Krahn man. That Boley took Krahn people weapons and gave them to Sarpo people to defend themselves against Krahn people. 
So, where is Gbarzohn District? This is the place where your HERO LPC roasted human beings perhaps who were not Krahn enough. I am wondering this is the same District where the late Toe of the PRC hailed from? Hmm, he was killed by your other hero, Doe. 
Breeze, I will not be surprised to hear you saying that Boley is your hero too. I was at your welcome ceremony from the states. I can still remember what Boley said about you.
Let us see if your " Hero" will come out soon.

From: Charles G. Breeze <gayebreeze@msn. com>
To: onliberianmedium@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Fri, March 12, 2010 10:04:47 AM
Subject: RE: [OnLiberianMedium] Reply to Charles Breeze on Boley's trial


You did not give me anything by way of proof that he is a resident.  I really want to know.  And like I said consciously, if he is, then they may have a case.  I hope though that you are not assuming that bringing a case against someone means that the person is guilty.  
For your information on the response to Mr. Gbala on Dr. Boley being "our hero", I am one of those who make up the "our".  And I want to believe that Mr. Gbala speaks for the Krahn people, though it may not be for all of them.

To: ulibsaaforum@ yahoogroups. com; voice-of-geepos@ googlegroups. com; gbeapo-people@ googlegroups. com; kaweakenpeople@ googlegroups. com
CC: OLM_Adm04@yahoogrou; olmofficial@ yahoogroups. com; OnLiberianMedium@ yahoogroups. com
From: kirkpatrickweah@
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 23:36:16 -0800
Subject: [OnLiberianMedium] Reply to Charles Breeze on Boley's trial

 Mr. Charles Gaye Breeze,
Thank you for unconsciously or consciously saying that the US government will be right to take Boley to court when you asked "Is he  a citizen or resident of the United States?  If he is, then fair enough, they may have a case."  I hope by now you know that Boley is a resident in the US. Please read below the law that allows Boley's trial for atrocities he presided over as leader of  the Liberia Peace Council as confirmed by Mr. Bai Gbala in his reply to me on February 7, 2010.   Take care and enjoy yourself in reading the quotes below.
Kirkpatrick Weah
March 10, 2010
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"The Taylor case is the first brought under a 14-year-old federal law that allows the United States to bring charges against a person accused of torture abroad if the accused is in the United States or is an American citizen (18 USC § 2340A)."
"Today's verdict is a milestone in ensuring justice for atrocities," said Elise Keppler, senior counsel for Human Rights Watch's International Justice Program. "Never before has torture committed abroad been prosecuted in the United States. We now look to the Department of Justice to bring more cases like this one."

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From: Charles G. Breeze <gayebreeze@msn. com>
To: onliberianmedium@ yahoogroups. com; ulibsaaforum@ yahoogroups. com; olm_adm04@yahoogrou; olmofficial@ yahoogroups. com; oneliberia@yahoogro ups.comm; alja1@yahoogroups. com
Sent: Tue, March 9, 2010 9:42:11 AM
Subject: RE: [OnLiberianMedium] For Votes, Ellen Pardons George Boley ?

Can we stop for a while and get certain things straight, like for instance, who the story "For Votes, Ellen Pardons Boley" is talking about? Someone named Boley or Borley?  And was this person leader of the Liberian Peace Council or Liberia Peace Council? 
 And can you please explain why the United States government has arrested this Boley or Borley for alleged crimes committed in Liberia? 
Is he a citizen or resident of the United States?  If he is, then fair enough, they may have a case. 
 But if he is not, then did the Liberian Government ask for his arrest for alleged crimes committed in Liberia?  It could be that Ellen and her government may have quietly asked the American Government to arrest this Boley or Borley for deportation to face charges.  My layman understanding is that he (a Liberian national) must be wanted in Liberia before the United States can arrest him for alleged crimes committed there.  Or perhaps there is some law that I most likely do not know about in this case.
And while I am in this fact-finding from the author(s) of this article, may I ask what is this Boley or Borley being charged with? Committing crimes, or being a leader of a group that committed the crimes?  You should also address yourself to the question who were the Boley/Borley group fighting? The government of Liberia, or the forces fighting the government of Liberia?  Please note that if they were fighting the Government of Liberia, then they were a rebel force; but if they were fighting the force that was fighting the government, then they should rightly be called a resistance force and not a rebel force, especially if the war was specifically targeting them.  Knowing our terminologies and how to apply them help us the readers understand what the writer is trying to tell us. 
Lastly, let me make this observation: Ellen Sirleaf is one of those mentioned in the Truth Commission as a financier while Boley/Borley was mentioned as leader of a group.  Aren't they then birds of the same feathers, and if not the same feathers, then the same birds nevertheless?  You might also want to do a study on what Ellen has done and will do for votes!!  It might give you a new or more light on the who, what, why, and how of the Liberian civil war.

To: ulibsaaforum@ yahoogroups. com; OLM_Adm04@yahoogrou; olmofficial@ yahoogroups. com; OnLiberianMedium@ yahoogroups. com; OneLiberia@yahoogro ups.comm; alja1@yahoogroups. com
From: kirkpatrickweah@
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2010 14:00:42 -0800
Subject: [OnLiberianMedium] For Votes, Ellen Pardons George Boley ?


Grand Gedeans Appeal To Ellen For George Boley

Winnie Saywah
George Boley
George Boley
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has assured the people of Grand Gedeh that she will see what her office can do in pleading with the United States government over the release of Mr. George Borley, a prominent son of the county, who is being held by the United States government for alleged federal related criminal charges.Mr. Borley led the former Liberian rebel group, the Liberian Peace Council (LPC), one of several disbanded warring factions accused by the country's Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) during the course of the civil war of committing heinous crimes.

Mr. Borley, a former Minister of State and Presidential Affairs and Education in the Samuel Doe government, was mid January picked up by immigration and border officials in the United States on allegations that he allegedly entered that country and committed killings in his home country Liberia, a claim, which the accused and his family has vehemently rejected.
According to our reporter traveling with President Sirleaf to the Southeastern part of the country, her latest comments on the Borley case, was prompted from a stop over she made to a town in Grand Gedeh while on her way to the heart of the city, which is believed to be the hometown of Mr. Borley in Grand Gedeh County.
Our reporter said when the President stopped in the town, she was given a rousing welcome by the people, who during their interaction with her, pleaded that she intervenes in the detention of their son in the United States.
In response, the President assured the people that she would intervene to see what she can talk to some international partners for the accused to return home. The President did not set any time frame on her promise, but told the people that she would look into the matter.Mr. Borley has spent most of his time living out of Liberia since his rebel movement, the LPC seized to exist. He has been regularly traveling between the United States and Liberia on a regular basis, drawing concern to the claim by the US government that he illegally entered the United States.
Mr. Borley is one of several persons, who should face prosecution for alleged heinous crimes committed during the course of the Liberian Civil War, according to the final report of the Truth Commission.

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