Fwd: MicroProfile online meeting

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Yong How

Jan 31, 2017, 6:36:02 AM1/31/17
to greaterl...@googlegroups.com

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Date: Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 5:34 AM
Subject: [jug-leaders] MicroProfile online meeting
To: "jug-l...@jugs.java.net" <jug-l...@jugs.java.net>

Hello, everyone.
Soujava organized a MicroProfile on-line meeting with each provider in the next two weeks:

  •  January 31th RedHat 
  •  February 2nd IBM
  •  February 7th Payara
  •  February 9th Tomitribe

These meetings gonna be at the same time 7:30 PM BRT, 1:30 AM next day PDT.


  • Title:  MicroProfile: Accelerating the adoption of Java Microservices
  • Description:  MicroProfile: Accelerating the adoption of Java Microservices
  • Speaker: John Clingan
  • Mini-bio: John has been a Java developer for 20 years. John was the Java EE and GlassFish product manager at Sun Microsystems and Oracle from 2007-2015. More recently he has moved to Red Hat where he is a product manager for next-generation platforms like WIldFly Swarm, Vert.x, and the microservices strategy in general. John is also the co-project lead of MIcroProfile as it enters the Eclipse Foundation.


  • Title: Payara MicroProfile - Micro(er) than Payara Micro!
  • Description: Payara Server is derived from the GlassFish Open Source Edition. Not only has the Payara team worked hard at providing support for the server and its customers and community, but is also working hard at generating new features and closing the gap between the needs of the developers and what a Java EE server can offer them. Payara Micro is one of such features, focused on allowing developers to create microservice architectures with relative ease of use. With the launch of MicroProfile, Payara Server has reused what it has learned with Payara Micro. Join us to find out how the Payara MicroProfile implementation allows developers to not only implement micro services easily, but also take advantage of many useful features that are inherited from Payara Micro, such as automatic clustering with Hazelcast, CDI event bus, distributed caching with JCache and more!
  • Speaker: Fabio Turizo
  • Mini-bio: Fabio is a Support and Services Engineer at Payara Services Ltd. He has over 8+ years of expertise in software development and extensive experience working with several Java solutions and frameworks. Fabio has showed extreme dedication to understanding and learning how to use Java SE and Java EE for several years, he is certified as an Oracle Professional and Expert in several technologies (Java SE, Web Components, EJB, JPA etc.). Fabio is also an Oracle Certified Master at Java EE Architecture and he is paving the road to become an experienced software architect. He’s recently started working with the community and is very eager for people to adopt Java EE as their platform of choice.  LinkedIn: https://co.linkedin.com/in/fturizo

  • Title: MicroProfile, Apache TomEE Now & Beyond
  • Description: MicroProfile is not just a new buzzword. It’s the serious collaboration to evolve Delivered by an Apache PMC and developer, this talk will focus on what the MicroProfile means to the OSS project Apache TomEE, both today and tomorrow. TomEE has been a sustainable choice for thousands of EE projects across the globe. Recent announcements by Oracle have laid to rest some of the negative rumours that have been surrounding Java EE 8. We know that there is a long and bright future ahead for Enterprise Java, so what will the MicroProfile bring to the party? More importantly, what cake would “you” like to bring?
  • Speaker: Andy Gumbrecht
  • Mini-bio: Andy Gumbrecht is an avid Apache TomEE PMC member, developer and evangelist at Tomitribe. He is an active contributor of Apache projects including OpenEJB/TomEE, etc. Andy is a speaker at local Java Users Groups and conferences throughout Europe. He has been using in production environments and contributing to Apache OpenEJB/TomEE since 2009. You can find some of Andy’s technical postings at http://www.tomitribe.com/blog.

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