Fwd: Big News at Bike Index!

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Richard Hughes

Jun 19, 2024, 3:42:03 PMJun 19
to GEARs List Serve
Hello GEARs,
You may want to review this story by Wired Magazine on how high-end bikes are easily snached from the US and sold by thieves in Jalisco, Mexico. After reading, you may want to consider changing whether you list your bike on Strava and whether or not you restrict from public view the beginning and end of your rides(?), because they will know exactly where your bike is located. When you post a ride in another city or country, others know you're not home. That's also true for any social media feed. Also consider reviewing how secure the place is that you keep your bike(s), especially when you're away. Lastly, register your bike on either Bike Index or Project 529.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Gavin <ga...@bikeindex.org>
Date: Wed, Jun 19, 2024 at 8:41 AM
Subject: Big News at Bike Index!
To: <hughe...@gmail.com>

Bike Index's Bryan Hance Leads the Crusade Against Bike Theft

In Case You Missed It Bike Index's Bryan Hance and his tireless efforts to crub bike theft were featured in Wired Magazine. Check out the excellent article here:The West Coast’s Fanciest Stolen Bikes Are Getting Trafficked by One Mastermind in Jalisco, Mexico


In 2020, Bike Index was tipped off to a prolific seller of stolen bikes operating on Facebook and Instagram.

Located in Jalisco, Mexico, this seller - operating as 'ConstruBikes' - fenced bikes sourced almost exclusively from the San Francisco Bay area. Our first initial investigation matched several stolen bikes right from the first glance, and the more we looked, the more we found.

Bike Index captured and archived this seller's sales since 2020. We did so in order to build a searchable archive of bikes in order to allow theft victims to search for theirs within his sales. While we have screencaps of his sales back to 2015, only 2020-current is captured in a searchable Google doc.

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From the team - thank you for supporting bike registration and recovery.
In addition to the Wired reporting Bryan has put together a series of blog posts available at https://bikeindex.org/news to highlight the continued work to combat bike theft and explain the archive of stolen bikes he built as a result of this work. The full searchable archive can be found here so if you've had a bike stolen take a look and check Bryan's area specific guides on the blog.

This investigation took a large amount of time and resources. This was a 4 year effort involving countless unpaid hours of work, collaboration, and analysis. You can support Bike Index investigator Bryan Hance directly, via Venmo, at @bhance - and/or you can support Bike Index by clicking here and donating. We rely heavily on donations to continue work like this and aid in recoveris nationwide. Thank you for your support!
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