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Greater Augusta ISSA March 2022 Public Meeting with Doc Blackburn

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Josh Marner

Mar 21, 2022, 2:26:03 PM3/21/22
to Greater Augusta ISSA Public
CSRA Infosec Professionals,

Our next Greater Augusta ISSA public meeting is Tuesday, March 29th, 2022 featuring Doc Blackburn's discussion on "Security Isn’t What You Do!".

About Doc Blackburn and his discussion on "Security Isn’t What You Do!"

Us security professionals face a serious issue. We have been hired to solve an impossible problem. What’s the problem? We have been hired to secure our organization. Why is that a problem? It’s an impossible goal! Nobody can say their organization will never be breached. But that is the expectation of our employer. That’s what we were hired to do. How do we solve this? Let’s explore this with a discussion about what our job actually is, and what to do about it.

Doc Blackburn has IT experience spanning four decades in application and software design and administration, server and network administration, cloud services and website development, along with security and compliance management and experience in several other technical disciplines. His interest in computers started in 1982 when he first started programming on the Texas Instruments TI-99 4a console, Bally Home Library Computer, and Commodore 64 systems and had continued as a dedicated computer hobbyist until he decided to make information technology a full-time career in 1998.

Date: March 29th, 2022
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Location: Augusta University, 2500 Walton Way, Augusta, GA 30904 (University Hall, Room UH170)

The University System of Georgia (USG) institutions encourages all faculty, staff, students, and visitors who are not vaccinated for COVID-19, to wear an appropriate face covering while inside campus facilities/buildings, and to social distance when possible.

Please join us for this in-person event.  Seats are limited, so please reserve yours today!  If you are interested, please register at the link below:

Josh Marner
Communications Officer
Greater Augusta ISSA

Josh Marner

Mar 29, 2022, 11:10:59 AM3/29/22
to Greater Augusta ISSA Public
CSRA Infosec Professionals,

This evening is the Greater Augusta ISSA face-to-face meeting featuring Doc Blackburn's discussion on "Security Isn’t What You Do!".  

Additional details on the meeting, Doc Blackburn, and his discussion on "Security Isn’t What You Do!" are listed below.
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