GT300 2012 - Looking for Team Members and Ideas

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Terri Reuwsaat

Sep 13, 2011, 11:01:39 PM9/13/11
to Great Texas
Hello everyone!

Planning for the 10th Anniversary of the GT300 is soon to begin.....and we are looking for persons who would like to be a part of the action.  We are looking for those who would like to play a part in making this an incredible event, as well as ideas from you as to how the event can be better.  Would you like to be an officer or a part of a team?  Would you like to play a role in the planning of the event, working before the event begins....or would you rather be a part of the team on the beach?  Maybe you cannot commit full time, but might be interested in becoming an officer next year, acting as an apprentice this year?  Maybe you can help with a party along the way, maybe help with registration?

If you would like to be involved in any way, please contact me.  I would love for everyone to be a part of this race.  My contact information is below.

Remember this race is the fleet's race.  It is made better because of everyone's participation and involvement.  Please think seriously about becoming involved in some way. 

I am already looking forward to seeing everyone again!  Next meeting for all.....Tuesday, October 25th....7:30 pm.    Details to follow.   Please mark your calendar and join in!

Terri Reuwsaat
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