Didn't receive an acknowledgement of message

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Gavin Donald

Nov 26, 2015, 2:01:18 PM11/26/15
to Granite Data Services Forum

GraniteDS: 3.0.3.GA
Hibernate 4, Spring 4.2.1

I am having trouble getting an entity returned from the server. The server seems to be showing that the entity is being returned:

 org.granite.messaging.amf.io.AMF3Serializer debug
        writeAMF3Object(o=flex.messaging.messages.AcknowledgeMessage {
  correlationId = FD62AC93-153F-9348-18A9-4524EF857AA9
  destination = null
  headers = {org.granite.sessionId=EE122F5BE4836992847A227F45EAD65F, org.granite.sessionExp=1200, org.granite.time=1448564043685}
  messageId = 419C8B0F-2AB7-4425-A044-29E44554165D
  timestamp = 1448564043685
  clientId = 19DF2430-1284-46F8-939C-6670363395AF
  timeToLive = 0
  body = org.granite.tide.invocation.InvocationResult {
    result: activationCode: , avatar: avatar-507.jpg, birthday: null, coolLink1: null, coolLink2: null, email: xxx, emailToBeConfirmed: , firstEmail: xxx, forename: fJerHMRnpjFzJ7RHVCl0Ig==, gender: m, id: 507, joinDate: 2015-10-01 19:46:27.0, lastLoginDate: 2015-11-26 18:48:29.0, lastLoginIpAddress:, loginEnabled: true, mailingList: false, surname: lGJGPTTPy2Ll2SMrcHiQMQ==, username: doahh, readOnly: false}
}) - Done

but the client is showing the following error:

 faultCode [server.acknowledge.failed] exception [(mx.messaging.messages::ErrorMessage)#0
  body = (Object)#1
  clientId = null
  correlationId = "FD62AC93-153F-9348-18A9-4524EF857AA9"
  destination = ""
  extendedData = null
  faultCode = "Server.Acknowledge.Failed"
  faultDetail = "Was expecting message 'FD62AC93-153F-9348-18A9-4524EF857AA9' but received 'null'."
  faultString = "Didn't receive an acknowledgement of message"
  headers = (Object)#2
  messageId = "CC46D2F9-537C-269F-F157-45253B95FB4D"
  rootCause = null
  timestamp = 0
  timeToLive = 0]

Can anyone give any pointers please?

Gavin Donald

Nov 27, 2015, 11:14:35 AM11/27/15
to Granite Data Services Forum
Apologies, this was my mistake as is often the case.

I had been modifying a booking system that is unrelated to the Flex client and:

  1. Had set the system clock into the future;
  2. Done a clean build which re-created the Base classes;
  3. Set the system clock back;
  4. Modified an entity to add some additional fields that were not part of the Flex app;
  5. Due to the future time stamp the Base classes did not get re-generated and so the entity did not have the additional fields.

Deleting the entity Base classes and running Gas3 fixed the issue.



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