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Grand Vision Transit Subcommittee Meeting: Thursday, January 26 from 12-1PM at the Benzie Bus headquarters

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James Bruckbauer

Jan 24, 2012, 2:09:24 PM1/24/12
to James Bruckbauer

The next meeting of the Grand Vision transit subcommittee will be held this Thursday, January 26 at 12:00 noon. The meeting will be held at the Benzie Bus headquarters at 14150 Highway 31, Honor, MI.

You'll find the following documents attached to this email:

1) Agenda for January 26 meeting
2) Minutes from December's meeting
3) Revised annual meeting schedule with locations
4) Goals/objectives that the group developed in June 2011

Would you like to experience outstanding public transportation? You can ride to and from the meeting using BATA and Benzie Bus.

Here's the schedule for Thursday's trip:
11:20 AM - Leave from the Bay Area Transportation Authority downtown Traverse City transfer center
12:00 PM - Grand Vision transit meeting and tour at the Benzie Bus headquarters
1:15 PM  - Depart for Interlochen
1:30 PM  - Transfer to BATA bus in Interlochen, depart for Traverse City
2:15 PM  - Arrive at BATA Traverse City transfer center

Want updates on northwest lower Michigan regional bus transit? Sign up for The Regional Rider by contacting


James Bruckbauer |  Policy Specialist

Michigan Land Use Institute
148 East Front Street | Suite 301 | Traverse City, Michigan 49684

p  231.941.6584  x 32     w

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Minutes from Dec 2011 Grand Vision Transit Subcommittee.docx
Jan 2012 Transit Sub Comm Agenda (1.26.12).docx
GV Transit SubCommittee Goals.doc
2012 Transit Subcom Meeting Schedule.doc

Herb Lemcool

Jan 24, 2012, 6:37:10 PM1/24/12
what a great schedule so sorry will not be able to be there

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