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Fwd: Opportunity to Join Walking Audit of Lafranier Rd.

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Connor Miller

Nov 20, 2012, 10:53:22 AM11/20/12

It was mentioned at last week's Grand Vision discussion about complete streets that the County Road Commission 2013 project list includes Lafranier Rd. The future design of that street is complicated by terrain and rights of way limitations, but it is also clear that the current street underserves residents of King's Court, Tendercare, and other residents. It is extremely difficult for people from this area, or coming to this area, to access homes, businesses, and services, like the County Health Department and nearby Goodwill Inn, by any other means than a car. 

It is difficult, but out of necessity and choice people still need options and current design makes it extremely dangerous. 

The Complete Streets network invites you to a walking audit of the corridor next week on Wednesday November 28 from 11AM to 12PM. Please meet at the County Office Building at 2650 Lafranier Rd. 

For those unfamiliar, a walking audit is an assessment of a street at the pedestrian level. Walking audits assist planners in evaluating the street environments with a stronger consideration for the needs of people on foot, bike, or taking the bus. We will use a basic checklist and observational chart crafted using resources provided by AARP, Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center, and Michigan Complete Streets Coalition. Those will be available on site; bring a clipboard if you have one. 

Please RSVP via email or via this Doodle Scheduler

This date and time was chosen to get ahead of too much winter and fit into peoples schedules as best as possible. We trust that many of you who are interested can make it. If you're unable, a second walk may be desired, but we will plan on next Wednesday at 11am. Please invite other interested parties, particularly any residential representatives in the impacted area. 

Thank you for doing your part to make a more connected community. 


Gary Howe

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