[tools] what dev tools?

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Warner Onstine

Nov 30, 2010, 9:33:29 AM11/30/10
to grails-startup...@googlegroups.com
So, I just thought I'd list off some of the development tools I
personally use (in case some people hadn't heard of these before).

IntelliJ IDEA (stuck on 8 until I can afford the upgrade from my
student license) - main dev
TextMate - quick editing (there's a free editor called Redcar that's
very similar and multiplatform)
Balsamiq Mockups (http://balsamiq.com/) - for doing any early UI work
before I even lay anything out I tend to mock it up, this helped me to
focus on the core features of my app immensely
Photoshop/Illustrator for graphics - I know them so that's easiest for me
Firebug plugin for FireFox - if you don't use this you should


Warner Onstine

Nov 30, 2010, 9:35:12 AM11/30/10
to grails-startup...@googlegroups.com
Oops, forgot to mention another important tool I use, my story tracker
(since I'm doing Agile) - Pivotal Tracker
(https://www.pivotaltracker.com/) - helps me track all the features I
want to add to my app and how quickly I'm doing it (or not as the case
may be).



Nov 30, 2010, 12:36:48 PM11/30/10
to Grails Startup Support Group
+1 for pivotal tracker and balsamiq.

i'm using STS for grails dev but not super thrilled with it. prefer
straight eclipse for java development but the grails perspective in
STS seems to be the best for grails dev.

Marc Palmer

Nov 30, 2010, 3:17:12 PM11/30/10
to grails-startup...@googlegroups.com

Interesting. Have you seen there's a "spreedly" plugin for grails, online payments stuff from the ppl behind balsamiq. It looks promising, considering it for NoticeLocal premium services.

Our tools for NoticeLocal:

* Beanstalk for SVN hosting
* TextMate for all dev. NoticeLocal has not seen an IDE :)
* Basecamp for light usage / storing of archive of whats going on
* Local $10 starter license JIRA
* Omnigraffle for wireframing (with wireframing stencil)
* Skitch for skitch-slapping ppl with annotated screenshots (this is the most fantastic and productive tool)
* Web debugging and resource optimisation - Safari developer mode
* Heap / permgen debugging - jvisualvm (built in to recent JVMs)



Dec 12, 2010, 11:15:15 AM12/12/10
to Grails Startup Support Group
vim with nerdtree and many plugins, sometimes gedit, depending on my
mood. :)
my pylons powered project management app to track what i'm doing and
firebug and yslow.


Dec 12, 2010, 11:35:16 AM12/12/10
to grails-startup...@googlegroups.com

I'm using the Spring Tool Suite for Grails. Though I heard it crashes a lot on Mac. Intelli J might the better choice in that case.

I've also tried Netbeans but won't recommend it. It's really slow.

Am 12.12.2010 17:15 schrieb "Mengu" <whal...@gmail.com>:


Dec 22, 2010, 6:42:29 PM12/22/10
to Grails Startup Support Group
+1 for TextMate. Some despise it, but I find I move quicker in it.
Plus being able to draft letters, work on CSS/HTML rock for me as

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