On the topic of "projects showcase" on GrafX2's website

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Aug 14, 2023, 3:27:49 AM8/14/23
to gra...@googlegroups.com

I am writing you here due to a question I am having regarding my concerns over what the title says, specifically in http://grafx2.chez.com/index.php?static6/showcase

See, one of the showcased projects on this website highlights a game called "Mighty Milky Way" by Wayforward, a discontinued game no longer available for sale. What I am looking for however is why is it in here? I've been looking for information regarding WayForward's pixel work and I only found that one of their main artists, a fellow by the name of Henk Nieborg, a fellow who worked with most of the other company's games during that era (Like Shantae Risky Revenge and Pirate's Curse, the Mighty Switch Force series of games, etc.) and we know from previous interviews that he gave that he primarily used Cosmigo Promotion during the company's forays into pixel-art games.

So in this regards, MMW stands out as a game that was seemingly designed and constructed using GrafX2 as one of their tools. And this is where I need to ask

A) Who was the one who put MMW on the showcase of GrafX2's website? Have the artists of the team contacted them to let it know that their tool was used during the development of this one game? The Wikipedia article of MMW states two persons by the names of Erin Pellon and Ilija Melentijevic worked as artists for this game, were they the ones using GrafX2 and the ones who revealed this? Has WayForward worked with GrafX2 in any other capacity outside of MMW?

B) Was GrafX2 used in any other games since then or even before what the showcase article puts in there? Since it is one of the most renowned tools for pixelling out there, cross-platform and open-source too. It wouldn't be amiss that more projects have used it since then? I wonder if anyone here knows more about it.

One last thing. The website pointing the existence of MMW does not works anymore, as it is a game WayForward, as stated previously, no longer sells or publishes, so I suggest putting the link through a wayback machine filter so an user can access it without needing to do that separate step apart.

That's all from me!

Adrien Destugues

Aug 14, 2023, 3:40:44 AM8/14/23
to 'sirdigimon' via GrafX2

This was added as one of the works by Ilija Melentijevic, who also contributed several of GrafX2 "skins" and suggested a lot of improvements to the software. So, yes, we have direct information from the author that GrafX2 was used.

This (both the work on Mighty Milky Way and on GrafX2) is also mentioned on their website: https://ilkke.net/heartfolio/cv.html



Aug 14, 2023, 4:59:32 PM8/14/23
to gra...@googlegroups.com

I just wanted to say: Thanks for telling me about it! Reassuring to know that such an artist was able to use GrafX2 that effectively on games. Is very difficult to find information on newer GrafX2 posts in the wild being used for the production of games or interactive media.

One more thing though. The original open-sourcing of GrafX2 had this to say "entering the hard drive of a few video games designers thanks to people like Profil or Made", do you happen to know who they were and what they did? And where were they used? Perhaps during development of late 90's PC games or even GameBoy/Color games?


Adrien Destugues

Aug 15, 2023, 4:15:19 AM8/15/23
to 'sirdigimon' via GrafX2

I don't know a lot about the early days of GrafX2, that was before I took over maintenance of the project.

You can find current and past work from Made at http://m4de.com

For Profil, it seems to be this person: https://demozoo.org/sceners/26338/ and that page has links to his current profesional website

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