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Beth Holton Davis

May 24, 2011, 5:45:07 PM5/24/11

Im checking back to see if there is any news for those of us who still cannot access the new mobile version.  I've tried both gqueues accts I have as well as team members cannot load data either.   This is a big hindrance to using Gqueues since no one can access off line, especially for our team in Rwanda.

Sent from my mobile device

Beth Holton Davis
Akilah Institute for Women

Cameron (GQueues Team)

May 24, 2011, 6:38:13 PM5/24/11
Hi Beth - 

I did just push out an update to the mobile version this afternoon which I'm hoping resolves the issues several have been experiencing and at least uncovers the problem for others.

It seems that there are two main trouble points for users:

1. Stuck on the "loading..." screen


2. Stuck on the "loading account data" screen

For those with problems in either group, if you have never been able to get into GQueues Mobile then first I suggest performing the GQueues Mobile reset on your device following these instructions.  Be sure to clear your browser cache.

For those who fall into group 1, I have changed this screen to output text as each process is run.  Hopefully all processes complete and it moves on to loading your account data.  If not, please let me know what messages you do see and that will help identify where the issue is occurring.


For those in group 2, I have added a progress bar to the "loading account data screen". If you have lots of data in your account this initial process will take awhile.  Now with the updated version, each time a batch of data is loaded a block will appear at the bottom of the screen.  This way you can tell whether data is actually being loaded or if some error has occurred and it is just stuck on this screen indefinitely.


I am continuing to work on these issues.  Hopefully today's update will fix the problems for many, and at least provide better information so I can track down the issues for others.


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GQueues Discussion Forum" group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at


Amy Cavender

May 25, 2011, 8:02:31 PM5/25/11
Hi, Cameron.

Thanks for such a useful service!

I get as far as "Resources loaded..." and then everything hangs. I'm trying to use an MT3G Slide running CyanogenMod 7, if that helps.



May 26, 2011, 7:48:28 AM5/26/11
Queue list duplicated in Full Add
~ On my device my list of queues is shown twice. ie: tap the Queue list, scroll down and all my queues show up twice in the expected order
~ I noticed this last week, cleared my website data and it cured it, but now I notice it's back again.

any thoughts?


My setup: HTC Desire running 2.2,  Google Apps for Business, Premium GQs, no shared Qs 

Steve Boehm

May 31, 2011, 11:56:22 AM5/31/11
to GQueues Discussion Forum
Droid 2 global stalls showing:
" Loading Resources...
Resources loaded..."

Is there a fix? Way to determine if my phone has html5 set/settings?
Other ways to request help besides the forum?

On May 24, 3:38 pm, "Cameron (GQueues Team)" <>
> Hi Beth -
> I did just push out an update to the mobile version this afternoon which I'm
> hoping resolves the issues several have been experiencing and at least
> uncovers the problem for others.
> It seems that there are two main trouble points for users:
> 1. Stuck on the "loading..." screen
> or
> 2. Stuck on the "loading account data" screen
> For those with problems in either group, if you have never been able to get
> into GQueues Mobile then first I suggest performing the GQueues Mobile reset
> on your device following these instructions.  Be sure to clear your browser
> cache.
> For those who fall into group 1, I have changed this screen to output text
> as each process is run.  Hopefully all processes complete and it moves on to
> loading your account data.  If not, please let me know what messages you do
> see and that will help identify where the issue is occurring.
> [image: mobile38_export.jpg]
> For those in group 2, I have added a progress bar to the "loading account
> data screen". If you have lots of data in your account this initial process
> will take awhile.  Now with the updated version, each time a batch of data
> is loaded a block will appear at the bottom of the screen.  This way you can
> tell whether data is actually being loaded or if some error has occurred and
> it is just stuck on this screen indefinitely.
> [image: mobile39_export.jpg]
> I am continuing to work on these issues.  Hopefully today's update will fix
> the problems for many, and at least provide better information so I can
> track down the issues for others.
> -Cameron
> On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 4:45 PM, Beth Holton Davis <
> > wrote:
> > Cameron
> > Im checking back to see if there is any news for those of us who still
> > cannot access the new mobile version.  I've tried both gqueues accts I have
> > as well as team members cannot load data either.   This is a big hindrance
> > to using Gqueues since no one can access off line, especially for our team
> > in Rwanda.
> > Sent from my mobile device
> > Beth Holton Davis
> > Akilah Institute for Women
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > "GQueues Discussion Forum" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> >
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >
>  mobile39_export.jpg
> 26KViewDownload
>  mobile38_export.jpg
> 24KViewDownload

Steve Boehm

May 31, 2011, 11:58:27 AM5/31/11
to GQueues Discussion Forum
Reply sent to Cameron regarding hanging issue.

On May 24, 3:38 pm, "Cameron (GQueues Team)" <>
> Hi Beth -
> I did just push out an update to the mobile version this afternoon which I'm
> hoping resolves the issues several have been experiencing and at least
> uncovers the problem for others.
> It seems that there are two main trouble points for users:
> 1. Stuck on the "loading..." screen
> or
> 2. Stuck on the "loading account data" screen
> For those with problems in either group, if you have never been able to get
> into GQueues Mobile then first I suggest performing the GQueues Mobile reset
> on your device following these instructions.  Be sure to clear your browser
> cache.
> For those who fall into group 1, I have changed this screen to output text
> as each process is run.  Hopefully all processes complete and it moves on to
> loading your account data.  If not, please let me know what messages you do
> see and that will help identify where the issue is occurring.
> [image: mobile38_export.jpg]
> For those in group 2, I have added a progress bar to the "loading account
> data screen". If you have lots of data in your account this initial process
> will take awhile.  Now with the updated version, each time a batch of data
> is loaded a block will appear at the bottom of the screen.  This way you can
> tell whether data is actually being loaded or if some error has occurred and
> it is just stuck on this screen indefinitely.
> [image: mobile39_export.jpg]
> I am continuing to work on these issues.  Hopefully today's update will fix
> the problems for many, and at least provide better information so I can
> track down the issues for others.
> -Cameron
> On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 4:45 PM, Beth Holton Davis <
> > wrote:
> > Cameron
> > Im checking back to see if there is any news for those of us who still
> > cannot access the new mobile version.  I've tried both gqueues accts I have
> > as well as team members cannot load data either.   This is a big hindrance
> > to using Gqueues since no one can access off line, especially for our team
> > in Rwanda.
> > Sent from my mobile device
> > Beth Holton Davis
> > Akilah Institute for Women
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > "GQueues Discussion Forum" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> >
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >
>  mobile39_export.jpg
> 26KViewDownload
>  mobile38_export.jpg
> 24KViewDownload

Cameron (GQueues Team)

May 31, 2011, 4:21:42 PM5/31/11
Hi Steve - 

It seems that there are issues with Droid 2 Global devices in particular.  GQueues Mobile uses a "WebSQL" database to store your data locally on the phone.  However, Droid 2 Global devices apparently have a problem initializing this database according to some posts I've read online.

I plan to develop a "test" page that a person can load to verify whether their phone supports the technologies needed for GQueues Mobile to run.  You might check to see if your phone has updates it can install - a newer version of Android such as 2.2.1 or 2.3 might fix the issue.



Jun 3, 2011, 12:14:57 PM6/3/11
to GQueues Discussion Forum
Hi Cameron,

Just signed up for the 14 day trial and am having this same problem
with the Droid X (original) running the just released Gingerbread
update. I get a white screen with the following:

Loading resources...
Resources loaded...

I've tried following the resetting instructions a couple of times and
the result is the same.

Any update on when this will be fixed? I'm hoping to get a chance to
try all of GQueues, including mobile before my trial ends.


On May 31, 4:21 pm, "Cameron (GQueues Team)" <>
> Hi Steve -
> It seems that there are issues with Droid 2 Global devices in particular.
>  GQueues Mobile uses a "WebSQL" database to store your data locally on the
> phone.  However, Droid 2 Global devices apparently have a problem
> initializing this database according to some posts I've read online.
> I plan to develop a "test" page that a person can load to verify whether
> their phone supports the technologies needed for GQueues Mobile to run.  You
> might check to see if your phone has updates it can install - a newer
> version of Android such as 2.2.1 or 2.3 might fix the issue.
> -Cameron

Joe M

Jun 5, 2011, 10:42:33 PM6/5/11
to GQueues Discussion Forum
This mobile "app" which is not really an app is pathetic - which is
shocking considering how user friendly the main app is.

Sorry, but do not use the mobile version as the hook for new paying
customers because they'll run.

Takes me 5 to 6 times to get past login screen and when finally in,
the usability is, well it's just not there.

Calendar on my Android OS with GQueues sync'd to google calendar is
much more useful than the "app" - and trust me, that is not saying
much since on the scale of usability, google calendar on the phone
still leaves much to be desired.

I am posting this because I know this version is version 3, supposedly
the final rollout version, and I really want to keep the program after
the trial period. But this lack of a true app (heck, the guy who put
together GTasks put something so lightweight and usable, it actually
acts like gqueues on mobile - indenting subtasks, easy to move tasks,
color coding, etc.) is really pushing me away.

On May 24, 5:45 pm, Beth Holton Davis <>

Scott G.

Jun 6, 2011, 7:46:43 AM6/6/11
to GQueues Discussion Forum
I have seen many problems with people logging and and Cameron seems to
be working on them. As far as the mobile web app goes, what problems
or complaints do you have in terms of usability/user experience? The
app acts just like a native application. It might not look as flashy
but from my experience it performs just as fast and provides all the
usability that a native app would have. If you have a problem with the
UI then make some suggestions. It's likely that the UI would look
exactly the same if Cameron had gone with a native app.

The benefit for an HTML5 app is that he can get out updates and fixes
more quickly. If he made an iPhone and Android native app he would
essentially be writing the same thing twice every time he wanted to
make a change to the application. So in the long run, a single HTML5
application benefits the users because any problems that need to be
fixed or improvements that need to be made only need to be done once.
This means faster turn around on fixes and improvements to the HTML5
mobile web app.

Otherwise, could you be more specific in what problems you have with
the mobile web app? If you have followed the forums at all in the past
you will have noticed that Cameron is a very responsive developer and
he will certainly read and consider your suggestions.


Jun 6, 2011, 7:50:48 AM6/6/11
@ Joe M

I'd say your assessment is a bit harsh considering the context. GQs as a web-app has an impressively considered structure & UX.  I agree that there are improvements that can be made, but just as there are with all developing projects. The choice of a HTML5 in browser app has meant that we users are getting a product much faster and more 'finely tuned' compared to GQs being developed for multiple platforms and versions. 

The ongoing issues with initial login has been a real shame. However, this is fairly new territory that Cameron is treading and I commend him for having the foresight & ambition to go this logical & extensible path.



Jun 6, 2011, 7:38:41 PM6/6/11
to GQueues Discussion Forum
I will give you some specific examples of how this web app is not as
good as a full native app. Please be aware I'm speaking from trying to
use this on my Nexus One (Android 2.3) as my full time task program
for the last week.

1) No Widget - There is no way to take advantage of the widget
capability of android. This can also be said of the shortcut and
sharing features of Android.

2) Features depend on Browser - I'm using the Dolphin HD browser on my
phone and it supports the offline access but some of the other
features break, like swiping (used by the browser) and using the back
button (just exits entire page). While this may not effect everyone,
alternative browsers are popular on Android and there is no function
for using the built in browser for only one site or app.

3) Integration with other programs - I use a Calendar widget (http:// that integrates with several task
programs. It allow tasks to show up on the widget and allows the
widget to directly create tasks. Since there is no local app to
interact with, it is impossible for the developer to add support for

I'm personally glad that gQueues has a great HTML5 mobile site. I just
don't believe it really replaces a native application for the speed,
stability, and device specific features that many have become
accustomed to.

I'm not really sure if this is an ongoing discussion or if it's
already been decided by the developer. If it's still an open
discussion and this isn't the thread for it (I kind of assume it's not
given the original topic) then can someone please point me to the
right thread and I'll be happy to move my post there.

In summary, I will not be buying the premium gQueues service based
solely on the lack of a native android application. If there was one
available I would happily sign up and hand over my money.

Canyon R

Scott G.

Jun 7, 2011, 1:01:29 AM6/7/11
to GQueues Discussion Forum
Although you bring up valid points, I don't see how you would not pay
for the premium service for those reasons. They seem like minor
annoyances and hypothetical (someone else might have added gqueues

Also, things like a widget or integration may still be possible with
HTML5. Hopefully Cameron can comment on this because I am not sure of
these specifics.

Regardless, as I see it, the positives that I and others have
mentioned seem much more significant than the ones you pointed out.

On Jun 6, 7:38 pm, CanyonR <> wrote:
> I will give you some specific examples of how this web app is not as
> good as a full native app. Please be aware I'm speaking from trying to
> use this on my Nexus One (Android 2.3) as my full time task program
> for the last week.
> 1) No Widget - There is no way to take advantage of the widget
> capability of android. This can also be said of the shortcut and
> sharing features of Android.
> 2) Features depend on Browser - I'm using the Dolphin HD browser on my
> phone and it supports the offline access but some of the other
> features break, like swiping (used by the browser) and using the back
> button (just exits entire page). While this may not effect everyone,
> alternative browsers are popular on Android and there is no function
> for using the built in browser for only one site or app.
> 3) Integration with other programs - I use a Calendar widget ( that integrates with several task


Jun 7, 2011, 11:32:34 AM6/7/11
to GQueues Discussion Forum
I admit that my points are not fundamental features that a To Do
program must have. They are features that many other To Do programs
have implemented thou. gQueues will have to compete for users based on
the features that users want, not based on the technology used to
implement them. I know it's impressive that the HTML 5 based app has
cleared so many hurtles. I did say it was great. Unfortunately many
people will simply not consider it based on not having a native app. I
know I did for a long time.

I posted my comments, not as a way to say that the developer is wrong
in choosing an HTML 5 only solution, but to further the conversation
about the repercussions of that decision. It's the nature of task apps
that each persons needs are very specific. I know, based on my job and
the way I use tasks, that the most important feature for me is strong
and reliable syncing between a mobile app and web app. I have tried
every android app that connects to a web service. None of them have
fully answered all my needs. So in a situation of selecting from less
than optimal solutions, these are the kind of points that I make my
decisions on. I understand that you don't see why I wouldn't pay
because of these reasons. Yet these are important enough reasons to me
to choose not to pay. I have also avoided several other apps because
they cost too much ($80 a year or more) or because they implement
"projects" in a way that is incompatible with my workflow. I even
found a combination of online app and Mobile app that I considered
almost perfect, yet walked away from both because syncing was

gQueues does a lot of things right and several things wrong. I like
the easy moving of items between lists, the concept of groups of
lists, and the ability to "repeat" tasks on a schedule. I dislike that
the gadget shows only items with due dates, and that the only tie
between "projects" and "tasks" is with tags. But, as I said, the one
that decided for me was the lack of a native client. I guess I should
have put my points in order of importance rather than how I thought of
them. I would actually rank #2 (Browser support in Dolphin HD) as the
biggest stumbling block for me. It just made trying to work with tasks
a painful process. I do about 40% of my Task management on my phone
and this is just to important to sacrifice on. The others (#1 Widget
and #3 external app support) are features I would be giving up from my
current solution (gTasks syncing to google tasks) but could live

Ultimately your list of positives may be more "significant" but my
points are still significant enough to keep me from switching to

Canyon R

Joe M

Jun 7, 2011, 3:43:18 PM6/7/11
to GQueues Discussion Forum
And actually, I don't know why he doesn't try and team up with the
GTasks developer for a true app. Gtasks is basically gqueues mobile
without the web app tags (and has a decent scrollable widget). Add the
tags to gtasks and presto you've got a fully baked and proven mobile
app for gqueues (although "smart queues would probably be still be a
headache in gtasks - but that's minor when you look at the rest gtasks
could bring to gqueues). (Yes I know gtasks is intended to sync with
google tasks - regarding user interface it is pretty close to the
gqueues web app with subtask, indenting, etc.)

On Jun 6, 7:38 pm, CanyonR <> wrote:
> I will give you some specific examples of how this web app is not as
> good as a full native app. Please be aware I'm speaking from trying to
> use this on my Nexus One (Android 2.3) as my full time task program
> for the last week.
> 1) No Widget - There is no way to take advantage of the widget
> capability of android. This can also be said of the shortcut and
> sharing features of Android.
> 2) Features depend on Browser - I'm using the Dolphin HD browser on my
> phone and it supports the offline access but some of the other
> features break, like swiping (used by the browser) and using the back
> button (just exits entire page). While this may not effect everyone,
> alternative browsers are popular on Android and there is no function
> for using the built in browser for only one site or app.
> 3) Integration with other programs - I use a Calendar widget ( that integrates with several task

Joe M

Jun 7, 2011, 3:51:35 PM6/7/11
to GQueues Discussion Forum
It IS fundamental. We are in a mobile world, using google apps on
desktops and android (or iphone i guess) when away. Having a vibrant
mobile app is not a nice-to-have, it is a must, especially for a paid
service. And a paid service should have reliable sync, widget for
android, act as closely to the web app as possible (to include colors
and drag and drop), among other things. The whole experience should be
nearly seamless, otherwise what's the point. I don't want to feel like
I am lugging a bunch of tasks around in my phone - rather i want to
feel that when i open the phone "app" that i ahve a seamless
experience between google apps, android, web, desktop, etc. And yeah,
like you I've searched forever. But I think I'll land here and hope
the mobile "app" gets to be as strong as the web app.

Amy L. Cavender CSC

Jun 7, 2011, 4:03:10 PM6/7/11
Just an update--I'm not sure what happened, but for a number of reasons I reflashed CM7 to my phone (MT3G Slide) today. Since I did that, GQueues Mobile is working for me.


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GQueues Discussion Forum" group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

Amy L. Cavender, CSC 
Dept. of Political Science | 43 Spes Unica Hall Rm. 263E
Saint Mary's College | Notre Dame, IN 46556

Scott G.

Jun 8, 2011, 2:07:53 AM6/8/11
to GQueues Discussion Forum
The GTask API was recently launched and Cameron has mentioned the
possibility of integrating with it. So along with having your GQueues
tasks synced up with that, it will allow integration with other apps
and consequently give GQueues somewhat of a native app (via other apps
that integrate with GTasks).


Jun 8, 2011, 2:34:54 PM6/8/11
to GQueues Discussion Forum
Hi, Cameron:

My HTC (Droid) Incredible remains stuck on the "Loading resources...
Resources loaded..." page, and never progresses from there. I deleted
the cached for the GQueues URL as you instructed, but the problem
persists. Any more tips?

On May 24, 3:38 pm, "Cameron (GQueues Team)" <>
> Hi Beth -
> I did just push out an update to the mobile version this afternoon which I'm
> hoping resolves the issues several have been experiencing and at least
> uncovers the problem for others.
> It seems that there are two main trouble points for users:
> 1. Stuck on the "loading..." screen
> or
> 2. Stuck on the "loading account data" screen
> For those with problems in either group, if you have never been able to get
> into GQueues Mobile then first I suggest performing the GQueues Mobile reset
> on your device following these instructions.  Be sure to clear your browser
> cache.
> For those who fall into group 1, I have changed this screen to output text
> as each process is run.  Hopefully all processes complete and it moves on to
> loading your account data.  If not, please let me know what messages you do
> see and that will help identify where the issue is occurring.
> [image: mobile38_export.jpg]
> For those in group 2, I have added a progress bar to the "loading account
> data screen". If you have lots of data in your account this initial process
> will take awhile.  Now with the updated version, each time a batch of data
> is loaded a block will appear at the bottom of the screen.  This way you can
> tell whether data is actually being loaded or if some error has occurred and
> it is just stuck on this screen indefinitely.
> [image: mobile39_export.jpg]
> I am continuing to work on these issues.  Hopefully today's update will fix
> the problems for many, and at least provide better information so I can
> track down the issues for others.
> -Cameron
> On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 4:45 PM, Beth Holton Davis <
> > wrote:
> > Cameron
> > Im checking back to see if there is any news for those of us who still
> > cannot access the new mobile version.  I've tried both gqueues accts I have
> > as well as team members cannot load data either.   This is a big hindrance
> > to using Gqueues since no one can access off line, especially for our team
> > in Rwanda.
> > Sent from my mobile device
> > Beth Holton Davis
> > Akilah Institute for Women
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > "GQueues Discussion Forum" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> >
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >
>  mobile39_export.jpg
> 26KViewDownload
>  mobile38_export.jpg
> 24KViewDownload


Jun 25, 2011, 6:13:52 AM6/25/11
to GQueues Discussion Forum
Ditto on my HTC Desire.

What we need is a reliable set of instructions for sorting this -
which is where the thread started. Can the cut and thrust of debate
about web or app be not held elsewhere? There is supposed to be mobile
access and some of us can't make it work....

On Jun 8, 7:34 pm, Chris <> wrote:
> Hi, Cameron:
> My HTC (Droid) Incredible remains stuck on the "Loadingresources...Resourcesloaded..." page, and never progresses from there. I deleted
> the cached for the GQueues URL as you instructed, but the problem
> persists. Any more tips?
> On May 24, 3:38 pm, "Cameron (GQueues Team)" <>
> wrote:
> > Hi Beth -
> > I did just push out an update to themobileversion this afternoon which I'm
> > hoping resolves the issues several have been experiencing and at least
> > uncovers the problem for others.
> > It seems that there are two main trouble points for users:
> > 1. Stuck on the "loading..." screen
> > or
> > 2. Stuck on the "loadingaccount data" screen
> > For those with problems in either group, if you have never been able to get
> > into GQueuesMobilethen first I suggest performing the GQueuesMobilereset
> > on your device following these instructions.  Be sure to clear your browser
> > cache.
> > For those who fall into group 1, I have changed this screen to output text
> > as each process is run.  Hopefully all processes complete and it moves on to
> >loadingyour account data.  If not, please let me know what messages you do
> > see and that will help identify where the issue is occurring.
> > [image: mobile38_export.jpg]
> > For those in group 2, I have added a progress bar to the "loadingaccount
> > data screen". If you have lots of data in your account this initial process
> > will take awhile.  Now with the updated version, each time a batch of data
> > is loaded a block will appear at the bottom of the screen.  This way you can
> > tell whether data is actually being loaded or if some error has occurred and
> > it is just stuck on this screen indefinitely.
> > [image: mobile39_export.jpg]
> > I am continuing to work on these issues.  Hopefully today's update will fix
> > the problems for many, and at least provide better information so I can
> > track down the issues for others.
> > -Cameron
> > On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 4:45 PM, Beth Holton Davis <
> > > wrote:
> > > Cameron
> > > Im checking back to see if there is any news for those of us who still
> > > cannot access the newmobileversion.  I've tried both gqueues accts I have


Jun 25, 2011, 6:27:31 AM6/25/11
to GQueues Discussion Forum
I just discovered the mobile test url:

That shows my browser - teh stock one that coes with teh htc desire as
not compatible - it fails on teh last test - the databas one.

What Android browser do people use? That said I'm not at all that
keen to load a browser just for use with one site.


Jun 25, 2011, 7:10:02 PM6/25/11
Not so sure about the reliability of that test. I run the mobile version fine using the stock browser on a nexus one w/Android 2.3.4, but the same browser fails the test at the "database created" step.

Jun 27, 2011, 5:21:19 PM6/27/11
Droid X. Running CM7 Android 2.3.4. I've tried this on Liberty and stock gingerbread ROMS. Dolphin Mini and stock Browser. Always the same result.

hangs at
Loading Resources... 
Resources Loaded...

The test page that was referenced in this discussion fails at Test Database Created.

Alex Ferguson

Jun 28, 2011, 10:15:07 AM6/28/11
to GQueues Discussion Forum
I just upgraded to a premium account to access gqueues mobile, but I
can't get past the sign in page. When I visit the
page, the database test fails and I'm told my browser is incompatable.
Stock browser on Samsung Galaxy S / Android 2.2.

Cameron (GQueues Team)

Jun 28, 2011, 10:38:33 AM6/28/11
Thanks for the info everyone.  I am investigating why the database creation step is failing on so many browsers.  -Cameron

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "GQueues Discussion Forum" group.

Cameron (GQueues Team)

Jul 11, 2011, 4:21:30 PM7/11/11
I pushed out an update to GQueues Mobile today that I believe will resolve most of the login problems people are experiencing on some Android devices.  If you have had trouble with GQueues Mobile getting stuck on the "Resources loaded..." page or if it logs you in but then immediately returns you to the Sign In page please try the following:

1. Open the browser on your device, tap the menu button, tap "More", then "Settings", scroll to the bottom and tap "Website settings".  If is present tap it and then tap "Clear stored data".

2. Scroll up and tap "Clear cache"


3. Go to and sign in.  It should log you in successfully now and load your account data.


Michael Barnes

Jul 11, 2011, 4:32:32 PM7/11/11
to Cameron (GQueues Team),
Followed these directions on Droid X running Gingerbread 4.5.596

No listing for in Website Settings

I not get "Error Creating Database" error after logging into

I ran the test at and I get a failure at "Test Database Created"


Michael Barnes


Jul 11, 2011, 5:09:24 PM7/11/11
to GQueues Discussion Forum
Did not work on Droid X with GB with either the stock browser or
Dolphin HD.

On Jul 11, 4:21 pm, "Cameron (GQueues Team)" <>
> I pushed out an update to GQueues Mobile today that I believe will resolve
> most of the login problems people are experiencing on some Android devices.
>  If you have had trouble with GQueues Mobile getting stuck on the "Resources
> loaded..." page or if it logs you in but then immediately returns you to the
> Sign In page please try the following:
> 1. Open the browser on your device, tap the menu button, tap "More", then
> "Settings", scroll to the bottom and tap "Website settings".  Ifwww.gqueues.comis present tap it and then tap "Clear stored data".
> 2. Scroll up and tap "Clear cache"
> [image: mobile41_export.jpg]
> 3. Go to and sign in.  It should log you in successfully now
> and load your account data.
> -Cameron
> On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 9:38 AM, Cameron (GQueues Team) <
> > wrote:
> > Thanks for the info everyone.  I am investigating why the database creation
> > step is failing on so many browsers.  -Cameron
> > On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 10:15 AM, Alex Ferguson <
> >> wrote:
> >> I just upgraded to a premium account to access gqueues mobile, but I
> >> can't get past the sign in page. When I visit the
> >>
> >> page, the database test fails and I'm told my browser is incompatable.
> >> Stock browser on Samsung Galaxy S / Android 2.2.
> >> --
> >> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> >> "GQueues Discussion Forum" group.
> >> To post to this group, send email to
> >> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> >>
> >> For more options, visit this group at
> >>
>  mobile41_export.jpg
> 42KViewDownload


Jul 11, 2011, 5:12:15 PM7/11/11
to GQueues Discussion Forum
Also would not work on Opera Mini on DX with GB.


On Jul 11, 4:21 pm, "Cameron (GQueues Team)" <>
> I pushed out an update to GQueues Mobile today that I believe will resolve
> most of the login problems people are experiencing on some Android devices.
>  If you have had trouble with GQueues Mobile getting stuck on the "Resources
> loaded..." page or if it logs you in but then immediately returns you to the
> Sign In page please try the following:
> 1. Open the browser on your device, tap the menu button, tap "More", then
> "Settings", scroll to the bottom and tap "Website settings".  Ifwww.gqueues.comis present tap it and then tap "Clear stored data".
> 2. Scroll up and tap "Clear cache"
> [image: mobile41_export.jpg]
> 3. Go to and sign in.  It should log you in successfully now
> and load your account data.
> -Cameron
> On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 9:38 AM, Cameron (GQueues Team) <
> > wrote:
> > Thanks for the info everyone.  I am investigating why the database creation
> > step is failing on so many browsers.  -Cameron
> > On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 10:15 AM, Alex Ferguson <
> >> wrote:
> >> I just upgraded to a premium account to access gqueues mobile, but I
> >> can't get past the sign in page. When I visit the
> >>
> >> page, the database test fails and I'm told my browser is incompatable.
> >> Stock browser on Samsung Galaxy S / Android 2.2.
> >> --
> >> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> >> "GQueues Discussion Forum" group.
> >> To post to this group, send email to
> >> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> >>
> >> For more options, visit this group at
> >>
>  mobile41_export.jpg
> 42KViewDownload
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