Request: Widget could be sleeker and show a lot more onscreen

瀏覽次數:7 次

Chris Graham

2017年8月31日 凌晨2:17:312017/8/31
收件者:GQueues Discussion Forum
I treat my calendar appointments and my tasks differently, but both important for the day,
so I have a Business Calendar widget and a GQueues widget next to each other on my home screen.

I am able to reduce the font size and spacing on the Business Calendar widget,
and it packs its information in so nicely,
that even with Start Time, End Time, and Location showing for each event,
I can see several events with a generous portion of each title.

This is in the world of 2k and 4k phone displays, where truly small text is very legible to my eyes.

Contrast my GQueues widget next to it, where the title text is large,
the space taken by each line and group header is large,
the color box next to each task is wide,
and the date and time are to the right, truncating the titles in my not-full-screen-width layout.

If GQueues would (or allowed) narrow or missing color blocks, smaller text, shorter group headers,
and dates below the title, it would allow for more information in a smaller space, and still look clean.

[Note that Business Calendar allows you to color the title of the event according to the calendar,
in place of showing the stripe to the side.  The same could be an option for GQueues.]

Cameron (GQueues Team)

2017年9月7日 中午12:12:382017/9/7
Hi Chris - 

Thanks for the feedback.  You're talking about the GQueues widget on your Android device, correct?

I've added your suggestions to the list of requested improvements for the Android app.


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Cameron Henneke
Founder, GQueues

"The leading Google-integrated task management service for people and teams."
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