install gqrx on PCLinuxOs KDE 64-bit

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Sep 1, 2014, 2:31:47 PM9/1/14
I'm afraid I don't understand how to implement the instructions I found here on a post I can't find again. It uses a command I don't have: qmake. I do not have qmake or qt4make.  Also, these instructions show the line,
"qmake .."  so IF I had qmake, I don't know what I would do about those dots. The instructions crash at this point:  (I tried to go on past it, but of course that didn't work)

[root@dell2 gqrx.git]# qmake ..
bash: qmake: command not found
[root@dell2 gqrx.git]# make
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.

I have tried to get qmake-4.8.6-1mgc30.rpm from sourceForge, but all I get is a list of other things that are apparently totally unrelated! What's more, this qmake requires a whole batch of dependencies which i don't have either!
There seems to be no way to get to gqrx from PCLinuxOS!

Has anyone built an rpm for gqrx that includes all the dependencies and everything, so I could just install it?


David Ranch

Sep 1, 2014, 4:35:01 PM9/1/14

I'm not familiar with with PCLinuxOS but it looks to be Debian based.  If you're lucky, you can follow these instructions to add an external PPA to download pre-built binaries:

If that doesn't work for you, the dependency path to get Gqrx going can be significant.  I've documented what's required for Centos linux at:

It *is* possible that there are other PCLinuxOS binaries posted somewhere else that will save you much of that work but you'll need to research where and how to install them.



Sep 1, 2014, 7:36:27 PM9/1/14
Thanx, David.   I  looked at the launchpad url, which would probably be useful if it were rpm-based, as is PCLOS, but I don't think I could make use of a deb-based repository.
PCLInuxOS (PCLOS) ultimately derives from Mandrake/Mandriva, but that was some time ago. It is rpm-based, like RedHat and Fedora, and apparently Centos.
YUM and YAST are not supported; apt is supported at the lower level, and Synaptic at the higher level.  I looked briefly over the material at the trinityos url you mention. That's a big truckload of stuff! The folks at PCLOS warn against importing from outside sources, which has never stopped me from installing PROGRAMS from outside sources,
but I am very leery about installing libs which might conflict with the lib system in place already in PCLOS. I basically do almost all computing in PCLOS, and I would not like
to blow up the system!

I believe that gqrx MAY be supported directly by Ubuntu, which I am not interested in pursuing in toto, but Mint uses Ubuntu sources, so perhaps I
will investigate that, altho I really didn't want to have to go to another distro.


Sep 2, 2014, 10:14:15 AM9/2/14
The Ubuntu PPA's (releases and snapshots) install and work fine in Linux Mint.  Also, Mint has it's own package for Gqrx 2.2.0.

Greg Ella
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