Minutes of Meeting

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naveen saini

Jan 17, 2010, 7:57:03 AM1/17/10
to youth group, diya_c...@googlegroups.com
Hi all,

Man seeks momentary solutions to problems by losing one’s sense by intoxication, in order to become
totally oblivious to problems and solutions. Standards of morality, however, demand that each one
should develop the love and affection of a mother,for whom every other interest is subservient to the
interest of the child. Then and only then, we would have found the total solution to problems and misery
in the society.

Youth organized a meeting in Chetna Kendra Moosapet. Here following are the minutes of the Meeting:

1. Vishnukant ji, Ramkumar ji, Sitaram ji and Naveen attend this meeting.
2. Ramkumar ji and Surendar ji shared their previous experience of their activities that they conducted individually for thought revolutions.
3. Some of the Responsibilities is taken:
    1. Orphanage Activity is taken by Ramkumar ji. Before this he was driving so many activities in orphanages.His responsibility will be  how to make contacts to Orphanages, taking permission from there for our youth activity and Which type of activity we can conduct there.

    2. Making Contacts to Educational Institutes for Moral Education, is taken by Surendar ji Rajpurohit. His responsibility will be how to make  contacts to Educational Institutes and taking permission for our presentation.

4. Really it will be boosting continuity in our orphanage and Educational Activities in their leadership.

"Hey Ramkumar ji, I forgot to take your Mobile Number and E-mail Id. It will be difficult for me to find your mail id from our youth group contacts. so please send your details to my id -  electro...@gmail.com  and My Number is : 9346874539 "

Thanks & Best Regards,
Naveen Saini
(M) - 9346874539

plz go through this link once
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