data recovery

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Hemant Kumar

Jul 26, 2021, 3:15:40 PM7/26/21
to GPS Essentials
hello sir, I got in serious trouble when my younger sister accidentally deleted GPS essential app from my mobile in which I had stored some important data related to the sampling site of my research thesis. As I was new to use this app, I forget to make an account on it. Can that data be recovered anyhow. If yes, please help me. It was crucial for my research work. thank you.

Jul 27, 2021, 11:15:04 AM7/27/21
to GPS Essentials
I have never tried to recover deleted files from smartphonesm but a quick Google search shows a number of data recovery tools.  It is essential to stop using the smartphone as new data can overwrite the erased files making them unrecoverable.  The success of any recovery may also depend on your GPS Essentials Storage Location (see Settings).  I always using the "External Storage" option so that uninstalling the app will retain the data.
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