Implementing a Heterogeneous Soil Model Using Mineral Composition Information

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Jul 16, 2024, 11:14:19 AMJul 16
to gprMax-users
Hello everyone,

I am trying to create a heterogeneous subsurface model. For this, I have information on how much percent weight each mineral is present (like % weight of FeO, Al2O3, etc.). However, I am not sure what exact resources to look up to find the electromagnetic properties of these different components.

The major problem I found was most studies are for nanoscience and other non-subsurface related applications, which makes me skeptical to use that data since they are trying to manipulate/observe microscopic/molecular level properties.

If anyone could give me a good reference for where to find electromagnetic properties of subsurface minerals reliable, I would highly appreciate it. Or maybe a way to tackle this problem would also work.

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