Hallo Me !

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Mar 1, 2014, 9:22:52 AM3/1/14
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com
Hallo me !  

Not heard from you, or anyone else, for a while now.  
Are you still going ?  Is anyone else here still ? 


Mar 2, 2014, 5:44:19 AM3/2/14
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com
Hello Briar. I still come here to see if anything is going on.

Can't you start a campaign on that other board for posters to come back on to this one again?


May 8, 2014, 4:54:41 AM5/8/14
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com
Dear Lions,

that is what I have tried to do !  Trouble is, I cannot sustain a Forum where I alone, except for an occasional visitor, writes in to it !  I mean, I CAN in extremis start an argument with myself, but what do I do if I LOSE those arguements ?   Think of the psychological damage it could do !
It is now MAY, and the whole of April and much of March has seen no activity here....

I peromise to look in from time to time but frankly I am finding it harder to keep it going.  It looks like nobody really wants to keep POC's work of works going....

Please show me that there are folks that want it to go on and I will re-energise myself and take up the fight again.




May 22, 2014, 6:45:21 PM5/22/14
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com
Hello Briar.

Have a hug x


Jul 8, 2014, 4:52:56 PM7/8/14
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com
Hello Briar, where's POC?


Jul 16, 2014, 1:40:28 AM7/16/14
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com
Hallo to you too, Charychi.  What a lovely name !  Where are you from and what language is that ?   About POC, I dont know where he is.  He has given up because everyone left for the new board that Jane started up, and now it has only a fraction of the numbers we once had on this one, and it is becoming BORING AS BORING CAN BE, with the same few just slagging each other off all the time,   It is just like Prime Minister's Question Time in the House of Clowns in Westminster.  Micro slags off the Cameron party, so one of the Tory fans, like TRichard, slags off Micro and the Labour Party, then they exchange obscenities with each other.  It gets us nowhere, and if one tries to incite a discussion of something serious it either getstotally ignored or people just say their thing about the party they seem to believe in still and inspite of all the broken promises and lies.

The UK is going downhill faster and faster, the polits ignore it all and fiddle while the country sinks deeper, and nobody much cares.   No wonder POC gave up on us.

But thanks for writing in.  I will try to revive this one though I fear most of the best people just left the whole subject - politics is for professional polly-ticklers, not real people !  Or so it seems from here.


Jul 16, 2014, 5:59:01 PM7/16/14
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com
Thanks for reply Briar. the name is made up and i'm from Brum. Can't believe this board has been abandoned like that. Haven't logged on for a year or so but it was busy back then. Maybe some new blood is needed?


Jul 21, 2014, 6:26:22 AM7/21/14
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com
Dear Charychi,

WE do indeed need new people to join us on here.  If you can encourage some it would be great.   POC, who ran this board until he just gave in after that lady started her supposedly better one that was going to banish the use of bad language on it (not that one noticed that now!).    I hold the idea of Free Speach to be essential for free and open debate.  We have to recognise that not everyone with an opinion they wish to express have an Oxford Degree in English, and that Bricklayers have at least as much the right to say what they think as do lawyers and poets, and even scientists, one of which  am I.  

I am nt sure, but I think a lot who gave up when the new one started up were friends of POC and or of a similar age, and quit out of sympathy and because they were tired of it all, as he was.  Although i am in my seventies, I have stayed young in attitudes and physically (partly due to a lab accident in which I swallowed a lot of radio-active iodine, that messed up my metabolism and sort of re-set my biological clock!).   As I have still not completely grown up, I probably never will now.  I prefer the company of my Grandchildren and their friends, than that of old fogies.  I still work, these days for two charities and for nothing, rather than mope about.

Please see if you can bring more new people in so we can get it going again !



Jul 23, 2014, 8:26:15 PM7/23/14
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com

poc gave up on the board because the debates were too often churlish and lacking in integrity ......... it became impossible largely due to one particular poster, Pete. Locky, TrueBlue, and other aliases who refused to accept facts and repeated untruths regardless of the evidence to the contrary. POC gave warning, then gave notice ...... debate is not possible with liars.


Jul 25, 2014, 11:16:04 AM7/25/14
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com

Most of what you have written here I can appreciate and even agree with, Affa.  However, the last six words are wrong and I will prove it to you.

I am sure you will agree with me when I say, "Politicians are Liars"  OK?
But, they debate things in their silly circus at the House of Clowns.  One can argue about the quality of their debating - it is certainly poor compared with what one can hear in any university debating club, or even sixth form school debating club.  This possibly has to do with the proliference of bars throughout the HoC, where alcoholic drinks can be obtained and are drunk, somewhat excessively.  Whatever one thinks of their low standard, they ARE Debating, sort of, do you not agree ?

Therefore, "Debate IS possible with Liars".  It doesn't do anyone any good of course, but it IS possible, it happens everyday when they are not on holiday.


Jul 27, 2014, 11:40:40 AM7/27/14
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com
On Thursday, 24 July 2014 01:26:15 UTC+1, Affa wrote:
> poc gave up on the board because the debates were too often churlish and lacking in integrity ......... it became impossible largely due to one particular poster, Pete. Locky, TrueBlue, and other aliases who refused to accept facts and repeated untruths regardless of the evidence to the contrary. POC gave warning, then gave notice ...... debate is not possible with liars.

Are liars those that see things differently to you AFFA ? Btw what do you think of your new leader


Aug 8, 2014, 7:19:45 AM8/8/14
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com
POC  spent lengthy times  making inteligent  posts to educate  ...unfortunately many did not want educat8ing....Their preference was silly point scoring.     POCs research was spot on.... I can of course see why he just thought  Sod em..not worth his time.


I am not really interested in politics..Polticions are all the same...Governments tthe same.....As soon as their bo9tties sit on the big seats the voters/people  are placed in a not important tray...
To Briar...Qwite an interesting post (as usual)  but you need a lil more research on some things.  x


Aug 8, 2014, 6:40:43 PM8/8/14
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com
Polly's mate wrote.....I am not really interested in politics..Polticions are all the same...Governments tthe same..

So why post on a fucking politics board then?

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