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Sep 2, 2014, 3:10:14 AM9/2/14
Earthlings seem to be unable to learn from their mistakes.  They repeat them every generation.

They STILL seem obsessed with building hub airports, ignoring the fact that having hubs and spokes causes millions of people to waste enormous numbers of hours just hanging about in an airprot they really do not want to be in, waiting for a delayed flight to where they REALLY wanted to get to, having arrived late for their connection from where they started from.   It is perfectly possible to arrasnge to fly from where you actually are to where you want to get, direct, but airlines, authorities, planners, and all the other twits just wont allow it.  The maximum time wated and the maximum inconvenience is their target.  They probably feel jealous of the ones free to travel.

Between nations there are still deliberate seeming misunderstandings.  Jumped up wee squirts like Poo Tin, the Russian Misleader, still wants to make up for his being so small by acting big, invading countries that dare to seek freedom form the russian yoke.  Little Dave and wee Obama use doublespeak and weasel words to wriggle out of committments to protect the weak.  Preach peace and sell weapons - what doublethink is that ?

On the islands where I live some of the population is decorating the already beautiful scenery with huge signs saying "YES", and a few saying "NO" - referring to the coming Referendum, where YES does NOT mean Yes to Independence, it means becoming a small nation under the hegemony of Brussels, and NO does not mesan that everything stays as now, because in the event the NOs win, an immediate discussion on Devolution Max begins.  So YES means NO, No mean Yes, and perhaps it all means only Maybe...

We no longer have an economy where people get better off as the years go by - wages for the employed are fixed, with little or no pay rises for 90 % of the population, but prices go up and up, as the value of our money goes down and down.  For the few who have lots of money however, they get richer and richer, at everyone elses expense.

We are told economies have to be made in our country, but we donate vast sums to the governments of developing nations like India, who can afford a space programme that we have given up having because we cannot afford it !

Changes in Schools involve giving free school meals to children, which required building kitchens for them.  A Headmistress of a junior school was rabbiting on about "free school dinners", oblivious of the fact that it is Luncheons that are going to be provided.  What standard of literacy can one hope the unfortunate kids will get when the Headmistress does not know her lunches from her dinners ?

A HUGE increase in skin cancers in the UK is reported - caused by all the cheap holidays abroad and the men wanting to get brown quickly but just getting sunburn.  It is better for pale skinned people to stay out of the burning sun.  

I could go on and on, but this will do for now.


Sep 12, 2014, 4:47:36 AM9/12/14


Sep 24, 2014, 11:41:39 PM9/24/14
People just don't think !  Just a mere 8light-minutes away there is this huge thermonuclesr explosion taking place, emitting every kind of radiation and sub-atomic particle we have ever heard of inclding some we still have not discovered yet, causing our genes to mutate, powering evolution but also producing cancers and serious burns.  And some of us, who have evolved to live in places sheltered from direct sunlight by frequent clouds and a thicker layer of atmosphere because in northern climes the sun is mostly not directly overhead, and who have little or no melanin in their skins, are daft enough to go out in direct sunlight and even SUNBATHE !  

And we call our species H. sapiens ?
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