A Just War ?

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Jul 23, 2014, 2:42:24 PM7/23/14
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com
Some left-over primitives from the last century, in Israel and elsewhere, were debating today about the 'justification' for a 'just war' in GAZA.  

I dispute that there can ever be such a thing as a 'just war'.   Go back 200 years or so, and battles were fought between armies of soldiers dressed in bright uniforms standing in neat rows, with the two sides taking turns to fire guns and see how many of the other side they could hit.  It was not allowed to fire out of turn, or to run and hide, or anything like that.  Officers and non-coms were on duty among the men to make sure they stood straight and awaited their turns.  Trumpeters blew tunes that indicated at least to those not deaf, when to do what, as did the shouting from the Sergeants.

All very time- and life-wasting, of course, but a sort of game or sport played according to a list of rules.   Lack of proper work for them and boredom among young men who had grown up but were still treated as boys by fathers made sufficient young men volunteer to join up.  They had the chance to go to new parts of the world and a small chance of eventually meeting a young lady and marrying and starting a new life in one of the colonies, for example

But, then came the revolt of the North American Colonies in what eventually evolved into the USA.  The "Rebels" had a wee ditty they sang that kind of describes what happened.  It went something like this

"They fired their guns and they kept on acoming and there must have been a hundred of them beating on the drums.  

We hid in the trees and we hid in the bushes and we fired our guns and then we slid away.  

They fired their guns and still they kept on coming but there weren't half as many as there were a while ago.

We fired once more and they then began a-running and we chased them all the way to the gulf of Mexico!"

(Please excuse me if I don't have it exactly right, word for word - I have not heard it for many years and am amazed I can recall it at all, it is not my sort of song!

So, as I was taught at school, this was the first "modern war", and one that we Brits lost, unusually, as we were gathering together the largest Empire this world has ever seen, and we were the Nr 1 Country and most other countries acknowleged that fact.

From then on, it seems, the only rules of the game of war was that there were no rules - armies did whatever they could to try to win.  So followed among other things the WW1, in the second decade of the last century, where both sides dug trenches in the mud to hide in, and from time to time, when ordered to, leapt out and tried to run across the mud to the trenches of the other side, to stick a knife attached to a rifle into the necks or guts of the "enemy".  This is also where the idea started to make war on the civilians too.  Small aircraft took to the air to drop small bombs on the enemy below, and to fight fly-boys in planes from the other side.  The Machine Gun was invented by both sides, with which one could mow down whole armies as they ran to attack one 's trenches, Poison Gas (Chlorine) was used to knock out thousands at once.  The Brits invented the Tank, that could lay down tracks to drive over and so pass over the roughest terrain, shooting exploding shells as it went.  The Other Side invented  the Airship, a huge dirigible balloon, with petrol engines hanging below the gas bags, that could fly long distances like over the Atlantic (it was originally intended for tourist travel in luxury as if on a Ship but faster and with a better view), but driving over London and showering the streets with bombs terrified the civilian population.  Filled with hydrogen gas however (helium being in short supply and expensive) they easily caught fire, killing passengers and crew.  The Zeppelin was in the end an unsuccessful weapon.  

At sea, the U-Boot was invented.  Britain with her Empire depended on her Empire and Colonies to buy manufactured goods and supply food for our toiling millions (intensive farming using chemical ferilizers and all the things we have now was not invented yet and we were unable to feed all our people from our own soil.  Our children were developing ricketts and other deficiency diseases, and many of us were under-nourished.  The Merchant Navy were losing ships and the Royal Navy were developing still the methods of detecting U-Boat engines under the sea.  

Now, up nearly to the end of WW1, the armies of either side were Volunteers.  

Then came WW2, the one where the civilian populations were attacked as well.  As a 2 year old baby girl, I was of zero value for any war effort, yet the house I was in was bombed one night and I had to be dug free from the rubble.  There were not enough volunteers wanting to go to war so ALL the men between 17 and 60 were conscripted.  On both sides, WW2 was fought between SLAVE ARMIES.  Both sides made every effort to flatten the homes, factories, schools, hospitals and kill as many of the civilian population on the other side as possible.  Unmanned flying bombs, called Doodlebugs, terrorised people over most of England. Seas were made unsafe for all by the scattering of Mines.  Rockets, that went up into low space then flew silently and swiftly down on cities, the V2s, were the collapsing 3rd Reich's last, dying blow against us.  Then it was soon over, their lunatic Fuerhrer shot himself and they gave up, their entire land was overrun by the "Allies" who included the Soviets at that time, and it was just a heap of rubble and ashes.  The damage we suffered was nothing compared to what we did to them.  Example, we had an Airforce officer called Bomber Harris. He ordered and arranged an overnight bombing of Dresden, a city of picturesque architecture but no military importance, of such intensity that the many smaller fires fused into one huge one, sucking all the oxygen out, and hundreds of thousands of men, women and chuldren died in their cellars of asphixiation in a night worse than Hiroshima.  Bomber Harris was awarded a medal for it.

Interestingly, I think, both their and our 'leader' spent most of the war hiding safely deep underground in their Bunkers

Since WW2 there have been many smaller wars.  Remember the picures of a small Korean girl running into the road naked until bullets blew her to bits?  After Korea came Viet Nam, where a 3rd world nation defeated the most powerful military in the world, capturing so much weaponry at the end that they remain well able to defend themselves from anyone even today.  

Several wars in the Americas where the USA tried to defeat or to contain the influence of the Communists.  In one such minor war the USA had the audacity to invade a British Colony even !   Then we had to retake the Falklands from a mad Argentine general who imagined he was entitled to occupy the whole of the Antarctic, but we had a proper PM in those days and she was not going to stand such nonsense !

So we come to all the silly goings on all over the Arab and Persian lands and all over Africa, where our own prize idiot and war criminal Tonibliar got us mixed up in the destruction of a relatively civilised Arab regime, wrecking its infrastructure and putting into the hands of mediaeval islamic loonies.  Followed by trying, again without success, to civilize the Afghans.  They dont WANT to be civilized !

Finally, in all the years since the end of WW2, as the European countries encouraged their surviving Jews to emmigrate to the British Mandated Territory of  Palestine, then the partition into Israel and Palestine a war has been going on, sometimes quietly, sometimes noisily, between Israelis and Palestinians aided by all the other Arabs, who are such friends that they will help the Palestinians but not let them settle among them !  The UN made its biggest mistake when it decided to make 2 states there.  Until then, they got on quite well with another!


Its no use praying either, there are no gods or magical beings with superpowers at all interested in the funny two legged chimpanzee cousins that are wrecking their planet.  

No wars are justified.  There is not much in that poorly translated Black Book worth taking much notice of or with any relevance to our lives today, but one thing that DOES make sense, is where it says
"Thou shalt not kill !"

For those who have read all through this, thank you.  Your comments will be appreciated.


Jul 23, 2014, 5:19:40 PM7/23/14
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com
Oh Briar you really must try and keep your posts within the average attention span. They are interesting but I recall some wise man writing a long letter to his friend apologising for writing such a long letter as he didn't have the time to write a short one.

I refer to the War subject and have been chatting on other sites about it. My main concern being leaders aka Politicians whipping up a loyal if naive public to extend their power over another country. When all the time after most of those people who have sacrificed their lives on both sides return to the same conditions they had before the blood letting. I'm talking more of modern wars for example will residents of Crimea see that much difference in their life style?
I see the media and generally the left castigate Israel again. To me the fly in the ointment here is Hamas who send useless rockets over towards Israel aware of the fact that retaliatory measures won't be killing them in their underground bunkers but the poor bloody Palestinians . Their programme is clear the media is lapping up taking pictures of injured kids and some are daft enough not to work out why these bombs are raining down on the Palestinians.
Once again nations sit back and allow this to continue.israel knows if it doesn't deal with Hamas and its rockets a peace will only last until Hamas decide to send another lot over,
I'll take yawn advice now and leave it for now


Jul 23, 2014, 8:32:09 PM7/23/14
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com
The Palestine problem exists because of religious intolerance. If Palestinians wanted peace then they could have peace, could even have their own State as long as they agreed and abided to live in peace with Israel.
Peace is not possible because peace is not wanted!



Jul 24, 2014, 3:50:12 AM7/24/14
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com
Thanks for reading it, anyway, Jaria.   I was trying to show how warfare had slowly changed, from a semi-ritualized game, resembling the Escape Mechanisms that non-sapient species developed so that they do not actually injure one another much when "ffighting" over a female or a nest or territory, to a no holds barred "total war" in which an entire nation or species or even Life on Earth is at risk.  I learned a lot from Prof Tinbergen who studied Animal Behaviour, and from Dr Konrad Lorenz (no relative) who detected the instinctive fixation that newly-hatched goslings exhibited when they attached themselves  to the first animal bigger than them that moved, so adopted him as their "mother".   I studied human behaviour as just a variety of animal behaviour.  Humans have fewer and weaker instincts, but learn to develop conditioned reflexes far easier then animals with even smaller brains, indeed, the brainier humans are even better at developing conditioned reflexes.  After trying to survive on the kind of pay lab monkeys got back then, I went commercial and became a "medical rep", calling on doctors and hospitals to sell them the idea of prescribing my company's medicines - I was quite good at this.  I think an articulate fair haired female who looked nice was something new for them, or something like that, whatever, I was soon promoted to Area Sales Manager, looking after 7 new lads who were still wet behind the ears.  I used Conditioned Reflexes to develop behaviour in them that I felt was desirable, it did them no harm, indeed they very soon became fantastic salesmen, earning extra rewards and some even early promotions.  This was very hard work, as I had to be their legal advisor, psychiatrist, marriage guidence councillor, estate agent, nutritionist, agony-aunt, friend, teacher and whatever else they needed, but they became so successful they got me promoted and moved over to the Parent Co. in Sweden, which started me on my International Career.   It was useful experience.


Jul 26, 2014, 8:44:58 AM7/26/14
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com
WARS are still the same...Only the weapons change.    Man seems to breathe for war.....
I of course support Israel  by the way


Jul 26, 2014, 11:00:55 AM7/26/14
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com
I am sorry Midge, but I have to disagree with you, and if you read my admittedly rather lengthy thread-starting message, you would have to agree with me that wars have indeed changed fundamentally, since the American War of Independence first, where a big step involving breaking the "rules" and involving the public first began, and in WW2 where by bombing civilians an entire folk were dragged into a war, as indeed I was at age two when a German bomb destroyed our home and I had to be dug from the ruins.  This was the final step into Total Warfare, where the aims include destroying the whole nation whom one attacks.  That about the same time, weapons became so destructive that nobody haas dared to actually use the most powerful of them, suggests those that actually initiate wars are beginning themselves to see that they are no longer possible to use to "win" - not that todays' wars are ever "won" in any real sense.  Iraq was defeated in a war with the Americans and Brtitish, but then both had to spend a fortune and ruin themselves and everything rebuilding waht we could of the country we defeated, only to be froced to leave earlier than we would have liked (or more correctly put, as the fools who mislead us and started it wanted us to leave!) .

Meanwhile, we waste even more effort developing even worse weapons we can hardly dare to ever use, at great expense.  Then we sell them to countries who tomorrow may go to war against us !  Are we not crazy ?

Surely the time has come to stop making wars, finding better ways to resolve disputes.


Jul 27, 2014, 2:47:27 AM7/27/14
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com
I do so enjoy aside the education givem, your posts Briar...,....(I dont think you disagreed with me tho)    I do see the trying to break the morale of populace as a weapon...(note   If that could not bring revolution...todays pifling parliament will not either xxx+)


Jul 27, 2014, 8:17:55 AM7/27/14
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com

On Saturday, 26 July 2014 13:44:58 UTC+1, MIDGE wrote:
     Man seems to breathe for war.....
I of course support Israel  by the way

Most Palestinians in Gaza, on the West Bank, are not displaced refugees from what is now Israel. They have come from all over the Arab region, from Islamic countries, and are there for one purpose - to continue the conflict!
There cannot be peace when one side doesn't want peace.



Jul 27, 2014, 11:38:29 AM7/27/14
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com
You forget they got slung out of Jordan AFFA.
It's my opinion that there would have been some accommodation between Palestine and the Israelis but Hamas who then had the support of numerous Arab countries foisted themselves on them in Gaza, yes they were elected but the more you hear of that election the less fair it was and like most of their type it was the first and last.
Hamas agenda is to destroy Israel . Impossible ? Maybe not by force of arms but by skilful propaganda tactics. You can see how anxious they are to continue the war by the ready use of their rockets. They know they are not doing any damage all they want is the Israelis to respond and like any nation respond they will. Then Hamas can show the dreadful suffering of the innocent Palestinians . That fool Hammond proved what they were doing was correct when he said on TV that Israel was losing friends all over the world.
That's the only way they could bring Israel.


Jul 28, 2014, 4:23:32 PM7/28/14
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com
Dear Affa,  

I fear that it is not just one side, but BOTH, not wanting peace.  By that I mean, that the political leadership on both sides is not interested in peace.

However, it is NOT these despicable scum who are having to suffer seeing their families decimated, their children traumatised, and all the basics of a civilized existence taken away from them and destroyed.

As it appears from here, far enough away to see the woods rather than individual trees as it were, it seems to me that as long as the Yahoo bloke is the leader of the government of Israel, the intention is to continuously carve up and isolate groups of Arabs living in the parts of Palestine and Israel, taking over more hilltops and planting new Jewish settlements in what was formerly Arab Palestinian land, grabbing more of the precious resources especially clean fresh water.  From this person's viewpoint, he is justified because he thinks that approx. 5000 years or so ago this whole land was promised to those he believes were his ancestors, by the god he believes in.   This makes him feel justified in driving them all out.

I am not sure about the origins of the Arabs who now "live" in Gasa.  I do know that when the Palestine Mandated Territory was occupied by the British, before it was partitioned into two separate states, roughly speaking one for the Jews and the other for the Arabs, as decreed by the United Nations, Arabs both wandering and settled tribes, lived all over, but thinly, and a very small number of very religious, orthadox Jews lived in cities like Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Jaffa and other cities, caring for old religious and historical buildings, maintaining old traditions. and so on, but that small christian groups, some from Germany, were living in communities there, as were idealists among the Jewish Diaspora who were motivated by trying to develop more supportive, commune type settlements.  Among these were the Kibbutzim, who lived together and owned everything together, even their underwear, the Moshavim, who wanted to till the soil but maintain the concept of unit families run by parents responsible for their own children, and the Moshave Shituffie, who wanted a kind of compromise between the former two.   I think there still are a few Kibbutzim left, but I have seen no trace of the other settlement types.  I had frequent contact with an Israeli professor who lived in a Kibbutz after escaping from Europe, where he had been interned in Theresanstad, the supposedly "humane" Nazi Concentration camp, in what was then Czechoslovakia.  Last I heard from him he was returning to his birth land, we then lost contact, and I believe he has since died.

In these early days, before the State of Israel existed, Jews and Arabs got along rather well.  The Settlements did not just take land from the Arabs, they bought it.  Mostly they bought salty, alkaline land, which they had to irrigate carefully, and the Arabs were amazed when they saw the barren sand turning green.    The demands for fresh water became a problem as the numbers of settlers increased, especially after the State of Israel was declared.

Many years later, a lot of what I had been told was confirmed, when I met two gentlemen at a Biotechnology Congress. Saul Silverman was born in Israel before it became a state.  Ali Sakahn was born about the same time in an Arab village close by.  They grew up playing together and became close friends.  Then, in their late teens, they were ORDERED to stop being friends, or be shot.  By this time there were polticians working on either side to create a climate of hate and fear for the other lot.   Lots of money was found for either group to buy weapons and start training at how to kill each other.  The British Army also increased their numbers and there developed a kind of guerillar war rather like we had in Ireland with the IRA. 

Saul and Ali refused to hate each other.  They decided to flee the country.  Their route out was never disclosed to me, but when I met them they lived in Jamaica, where they bought bits of land close to the shore and had holiday homes built there that they sold to rich Americans, Canadians, and British people.  So successful had they been that they were now millionaires, and were looking for new areas to invest in.  

I was working with small teams of researchers wanting to set up small companies, develop their patents into new medicines and diagnostics, and I was also running an Investment Syndicate for investors, mostly for professors, top doctors, hospital pharmacists, and scientists working with them whom I knew personally and needing funds to develop products, before going onto stock markets at the right time.   Many were approaching retirement and looked to me to improve their meagre pension provisions.  The advantage to me was that when I was looking after hundreds of thousands of $$ I got a much more respectful reception from start ups needing funds than when I could only offer thousands of $$, I could look deeper into their plans and learn much more about them, which in turn improved my performance looking after the money entrusted to me.

Contact with Saul and Ali gave me a unique insight into what had gone and was going wrong in the Levant.   A short visit there really put me off of the place.  It stunk.  It was full of flies.  Water was limited. Everything shut down on Friday evenings and Saturdays, including public transport.  It felt like going back into the Wild West, as farmers carried guns as they rode their tractors, and gangs of people went about with guns.  There was a constant feeling of anxiety everywhere.

So that is what I have learned about the lands and the peoples there, and how they came to be full of hate and fear of one another now.

I dont think by looking back anyone is going to solve anything.  We cannot change the past. We have to look ahead, into the alternative futures.

There can never be a lasting peace as long as one side insists on expanding its territory at the cost of its neighbours. By turning the Gasa Strip into a vast open air prison, and preventing it from importing anything or trading with anyone outside, it becomes impossible for that community to thrive, and it earns their hate for their oppressors.

As they cannot match the firepower against them, they can only make so much publicity about the deterioration in their lives and the huge numbers of their casualties, until the World of Bystanders cry out ENOUGH !

I think we are about to do that now.

Suppose they were all removed and resettled somewhere much safer and open for expanding population, maintenance of cultures, and in a similar climate zone ?

Difficult to find somewhere - the whole planet is fairly full up now and water is everywhere in short supply.  There could be room in Saudi Arabia, or in Yemen or possible in Morroco or Algeria.  Current occupants might well object though.

They could stay in Gasa, with an Israeli built Wall between them, with help to build Ports, Docks, extensions into the sea, airports, and aid to build a manufacturing and exporting community looking outward, away from israel, open to The World.   If possible they may be able to expand southward into Sinae, with Egyptian agreement.

They should have NO Defense force, No Weapons, No more rockets.  To their east is where the Sun rises from, no more than that. There are a strange folk there who legends say have two heads and are so ugly they have to hide behind the Wall.  Will that work ?  Will the Yahoos let it ?  

It is awful to think that these people I once admired who have wandered homeless through most of the World have now become reduced to this, but that is how they are behaving now.  They should be denied all aid until they cease trying to expand at others' expense.  


Aug 9, 2014, 10:52:08 AM8/9/14
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com
One side wants peace as we have just had confirmed to us. Israel wanted a truce but Hamas didn't and were the first to break the truce. What further proof does a fair minded person need.
Hamas rockets are very lucky if they manage to hit something other than a field or get shot out of the sky .
Therefore they must have an ulterior motive and that is clearly to get a response from the Israelis knowing it would cause the loss of Palestinian lives. Why would they want that? Could it be they are as bloodthirsty as to want to see wounded and dying children so they could take pictures and send it to a news hungry press in the usual no news period.
Clearly the left leaning media identify themselves with the friendly attitude to those that deliberately court horrific pictures of the dying innocents and hostile attitude towards the Israelis who are expected by the world to sit there under the bombardment from Hamas rockets and guerrilla raids.
Israel is a democracy and who's Gvt have the overwhelming support of its people. If they sat there and took these rockets without doing anything about it they would soon be out of office.
If the Palestinians ever have another election it's not a good policy to challenge Hamas unless you fancy your chances of being chucked of a high rise


Aug 18, 2014, 4:00:17 AM8/18/14
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com
One can hardly argue that one side, the Israelis, want peace - not when the price they want from the other side is total surrender of the land they lived i for a thousand years, and their own way of life being crushed, excluded, rejected, and them being made at best 3rd class citizens...

I feel like saying to both sides "A Plague on Both your houses!".   Having visited the place, how any of them would actually WANT to live there is very hard for me to understand.  Their gods must be really rottren con-artists to have conned their mythical ancestors into believing this was a "promised land", "flowing with milk and honey" !  It might have been, when it only had a few thousand humans, who had not progressed beyond the wandering sheep and cattle herding phase, to nourish, but now they expect it to cope with the water needs and the excrements from MILLIONS who in a modern lifestyle need GALLONS of clean water every day, each.  The land cannot cop with so many.  The whole place stinks.  It is so overcrowded that everyine there is so tense, so stretched, they act hyper, the least irritsation makes them blow their tiny tops.  It shows through all their deliberations, declerations and decisions.

What the Levant needs most is a huge earhtquake that swallows it all up so that its tectonic plate can slide down into Earth's mantel and be cooked clean for a few million years.

There are several part of the planet that would be imporved by such a seismic event.  I leave it to others to play with the idea and suggest their favorite places for rapid subsuction !


Aug 19, 2014, 10:15:20 AM8/19/14
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com
The Palestinians and the Israelis would be better off without Hamas. It is they that send their dud rockets over to gat a response so they can show the world what destruction the wicked Israelis have wreaked. So much so that you have those bearded saddleshoed twits threatening them with crimes against humanity. Are they unable to see beyond the end of their noses.


Aug 24, 2014, 5:09:25 PM8/24/14
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com

On Tuesday, August 19, 2014 3:15:20 PM UTC+1, jaria wrote:
The Palestinians and the Israelis would be better off without Hamas. It is they that send their dud rockets over to gat a response so they can show the world what destruction the wicked Israelis have wreaked. So much so that you have those bearded saddleshoed twits threatening them with crimes against humanity. Are they unable to see beyond the end of their noses.

I do not disagree with you about "Hamas", but point out that expansionist agressive clown Yahoo of the Israelis is just as uncompromising and eager to force more Arabs out of his nasty smelly fly-ridden country.  Far from attracting Jews from the DiASPORA to immmigrate there, he and his bully mates are causing More Jews to leave Israel and emmigrate to Germany, than all the Jews that move TO Israel !  Kein Wunder, when you consider how even when you drive a tractor over some fields you need to carry a rifle with you, and you are in constant danger of being shot at or blown up.  It is almost as restrictive for Jews as it is for Arabs who are robbed of their land and pushed about and treated like 3rd class inhabitants.

When you consider the water shortage there, it is obvious that Israel will never be able to support more than a few of the whole Jewish population of the world.  Modern, civilized people use far more water than their primitive ancestors needed (and in most cases todays Jews expecially the Ashkenazim are not descendents of the Ancient Hebrews anyway !


Aug 24, 2014, 6:32:52 PM8/24/14
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com
Well Briar if I had your em address I have several interesting posts I could send which might give you some idea of the people that Israel are dealing with. As usual it's the innocent civilians that suffer and I'm afraid any fair mind would recognise that Hamas are quite prepared to sacrifice as many Palestinians as it takes. They know what's going to happen when they send those rockets towards Israel. Now to add to the Palestinians woes theve started killing those suspected of informing the Israelis where they and their ammo stores are. They can't get their land back as there are no more elections and any resistance to their rule meets with death.
Arabs on the other hand are represented in the Israeli Knesset. You have to make allowances for the behaviour of a country which has been invaded by its neighbours several times and as they say they can't afford to lose or the State of Israel wil no longer exist. If boundaries are determined as the rest of the world has been divided by victory. Israel would be far larger now than it is.
You might recall one of their PMs offered Arafat 90% of the land he claimed but Arafat was overruled from signing it by his Arab bosses.


Sep 10, 2014, 5:19:22 AM9/10/14
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com
Oh Dear, |aria,
many good points made...  Mind if I try a different angle on this? Israel is a Theocracy, just like Iran is one.   Judaism is older than the other "Abrahamic" faiths.  It demands some awkward rituals and dietary rules, like discarding the back half of an animal, and avoiding eating pig flesh which is safe with modern pig breeds and farming, as the modern animal is far removed from the mostly wild, disease ridden scavengers that transmitted all manner of diseases in that part of the world some five thousand years ago.  But compared with the younger two, it is  relatively harmless.  The youngest alternative, mohem-madness, is a far more virile and dangerous mind-parasite, that is still actively mutating into new and more harmful strains.  It, and to a lesser extent except for the youngest mutated variants, christinsanity, are far more demanding and dangerous, not having had time enough to stabilise and reach a paraite host relationship where the least harm is done to the host so that the parssite may live inside the host.  Christinsanity is less than 2000 years old, even in its most ancient strains, but Mohem-Madness is only about 1 500 years old, so causes its host far more sickness symptoms.  
Add to all this, that a severe shortage of water in the whole area, to slake the thirst and wash the grime from offf the millions living there now, jews, arabs and christians, makes them all somewhat crazy anyway.  The current population, let alone the three groups of viruses involved, make a situstion that is not sustainable.   There is bound to be conflict.  At least 2 of the three tribes involved should migrate en mass away from it.  It would then fade from the world's attention and its population could take the time to sort themselves out.   The problems are where to send the tribes that should leave- N America seems relatively happy to support both christinsane and judaism infested individuals, and most of the population of Jews and most of the financial support came from there anyway, so they COULD all go back home to America, and that would solve the problems for the so-called "holey land"
   The USA already has over a million Islamics, so a few more will not matter much.  It is US funding that        has provided most of the weapons used there too, so it seems only fair to send them all back to America.





Sep 10, 2014, 6:58:42 AM9/10/14
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com
>  briar I find it hard to compare Iran with Israel. Presumably due to the fact that their national religion is Jewish gives you the impression they are a theocracy, if so you could compare them to say France and the UK with its Church of England as the Knesset does have Israeli Arabs whilst it would be impossible to find any Jews in the Iranian parliament or any other theocracy as I would describe them. Netanyahu is voted in on the PR system I believe and of course has been chucked out. Can you see Irans top Ayatollah being deposed ?
Any country that allows more than a token number of Muslims in must want its head examined as their Koran is as clear as Mien Kampf . At the first opportunity us Kuffars their hosts are to be dealt with in a manner which qualifies us a Halal meat! In small numbers they are controllable but you will have read the forecasts of the percentage of population they will represent in years to come . Already they behave in a manner that would get anyone else into trouble and this can be seen by their behaviour in Iraq to Western hostages . They have obviously been taught to hate Westerners in the UK and according to a poll I read a while ago there are a large minority that share their hatred for their host countries in varying degrees. Where else would you get similar actions to those that gutted a British soldier in broad daylight on a London street . Have the police dug further into the cause of their behaviour and those responsible for planting such hatred!
One other point which I'm not entirely certain of is that below the Sahara and the other dry areas in that region lies huge water reserves. Whatever you have to give Israel full marks for the way they have turned unproductive land into fertile land.but to prove I'm no star struck Israeli supporter I cannot believe they can be that serious peace seekers if they continue to build on land that is clearly not theirs unless you support that land won during a war belongs to the Victor .
> A 

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