Local Councils Between Devil & Deep Blue Sea

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Jan 13, 2014, 3:31:33 PM1/13/14
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com
One cannot help but feel sympathy for the poor local councillors in areas of northern england, whose centrsl government grants have been CUT CUT CUT by rhis austerity besotted current coalition regime, but from whom regardless all the normal services are expected still.  Now, to make it worse for them, the Westminster regime plots to let them keep all the commercial business rates on the council tax for Fracking, so that they will now be torn between grabbing the money so that they can still maintain the normal  services, or protecting their residents from having their environment exposed to the toxic and explosive gas from deep shale deposits destroy their environment.  They will be blamed if they do, and blamed if they dont.  The real villains are of course the Clowns in Westminster, who are grabbing this dangerous straw to meet an envisaged future energy shortage they forgot to plan for with reliable renewables like tidal and wave power and decentralizing the power generation so that more communities provide their own directly, and a French company called Total, who are outlawed from fracking in France where the environment gets a higher rating than in the UK, but are allowed to fracking-well ruin OUR environment by causing gas escapes and earthquakes and wrecking the water supply to capture, possibly, some gas.  Our Clowns have already given the OK to another French firm to go ahead and turn the somersetshire coast into a radioactive waste release point, polluting the Irish Sea.    

It is not as though we are a backward country that lacked skills and knowledge in matters of atomic energy.  Methinks tis high time we demanded from the local regime that they promote our own industry and keep the foreign ones away from our own country a wee bit.  They are after all supposed to be there to look after US not the French.  Je n'aim pas notre regime.  Ils sont fous.

It's a fracking fiddle imho !
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