The Stars at Night.

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Dec 11, 2013, 6:34:44 AM12/11/13
I noticed on the cloned board there's a thread entitled "shooting stars" started by kevinbrick4.

Having a beer by the ocean and looking up at the night sky sounds pretty darn good to me.

Briar asks if you have learned the constellations, one way to enhance your experience of star gazing is to download an app called The Night Sky. I think it costs about £1.50p.

You can then hold your iPad up to the sky and star formations and planets are outlined and everything becomes a little bit clearer for us very amateur astronomers.


Dec 21, 2013, 10:10:50 AM12/21/13
That was a useful top, thankyou Lions.  I seem to have lost the battle to get people to come back to this unmoderated, free speech board.  The one that Lady Jane started up and then seems to have left,is doinf better than we are here, though the number of regular names appearing on it is way down compared with how POC's Board used to be, in the good old days.  

Unforunately my days of star gazing are over - failing eyesite (Cataracts, not bad enough yet to operate on) makes me see the night sky, if there are no clouds in the way, which is seldom where I live now, as a dome of paired streaks, rather than points of light.  I ruined my once good eyesight by staring down a microscope all day everyday, studying the development of immunity to nematode parasites, in a  project that was trying to develop vaccines against them.  You see, nematodes grow by shedding their skins, and thereby getting rid of the cell surface marker proteins that the host animal makes antibodies to, so they keep ahead that way.  My task was to determine whether any had similarities that would make a vaccine work against the newer ones as well.  There were some.  Unfortunately the firm I worked for was taken over and the new owners discontinued the research - they just wanted to make money.  HAha, a few years ago I read how they had been taken over now, and the people that shut us down have probably been kicked out too !  Hurray !

Besides, it made me move on to bigger and better things, so as the Bard wrote, "All's well that ends well !"


Dec 22, 2013, 4:10:34 AM12/22/13
i think posters moved because they got bored of the bickering biar.  from what was being posted on this board the new one promised to be better.  its not though is it.  jane threw a moddy and banned any poster that dared ask where the much talked about new posters were.  any post thats even half way down to earth get deleted.   your left with 5 or six posters that seem to have fuck all to do all day every day but argue with eachother over the most boring of things.   janes buggered of and left the board to sandy  and he just lets the nutters roam from thread to thread agrueing with one another.  its even more boring then this board thats got no posters left.


Dec 22, 2013, 12:54:39 PM12/22/13
Thanks for the reply Briar, I was beginning to think I was the last one standing with regard to this board.

All the cloned board has achieved is to alienate people like me who don't buy into the 'new and improved' con much beloved by the marketing men.

From what I read from the 'clone' all that's happened is the bickering and bitching in all it's glory has just transferred from here, to there.

It seems to be a case of, hello to a pointless exercise and farewell to a brave new world.


Jan 9, 2014, 12:50:25 PM1/9/14
I seem to have lost the battle to get people to come back to this unmoderated, free speech board.

Says Briar who only today pleaded for a post to be removed from the Bandwagons board, not because it broke any rules but because she didn't like the tone used.  Some free speech principle you uphold Briar except when you are offended of course!  Hypocrite.

On Saturday, December 21, 2013 3:10:50 PM UTC, Briar wrote:


Jan 9, 2014, 12:53:49 PM1/9/14
Rubbish Kevin, two posters only were banned and that was because their persistent use of obscenity broke the board rules which are quite clearly stated at the top of the board and one added personal harassment to the broth too.


Jan 11, 2014, 11:02:53 AM1/11/14
go on your  dented ego's been bruised you banned em coz they had the nerve to ask where all the new posters were.   even to ones you claimed wanted a new board don't post.   i had a look earlier  ewill has become fixated with affa.   if he posted water was wet she's nit pick.  i can see why your ego has taken a bashing.


Jan 20, 2014, 6:09:00 AM1/20/14

Dear Kevin,

and I thought it was poor little me that That Person had their teeth and claws into !    :( 

I noticed something that I should have noticed before, today, looking at the other Board / Forum / Playground for Mudslinging, or whatever one might like to call it.  Just how few actual people are using it regularly.   I took just the individuals who had started a thread in the last few days, and the most prolific starter of threads over that short period were 

v6jtrichard, with 27 threads, followed by
Sandman, with 20,
MICRO with 17,
Affa, with 2,
and one each for
F ender
and me (Briar)

Approx 10 other names appeared among those that bothered to participate and comment on threads already started - that means it has a  participating audience of less than 20 persons.

Admittedly more than the number that still participate on this original board, started by our dear Friend, Poor Old Chicken, but I should like to point out that, before the intention to destroy this Board and start the new, semi-moderated one, to replace it, POC had as many as 150 regular participants, including even a few from as far away as the USA on this board.

Add to that, how so many discussions on the new board end up with Micro and v6trichard mudslinging at each other like in a pantomime, the intention of cutting out insulting one another and cleaning up the language have hardly been successful, have they ?

Jane, you do not need to reply to that question as it can be taken as a rhetorical one, but anything you do say will be taken down and may be used in court...  Whoops, sorry Jane, I have heard that so often I sort of know it by heart now and it just comes out automatically...          :) 


Jan 25, 2014, 11:46:46 AM1/25/14

On Thursday, January 9, 2014 5:50:25 PM UTC, Jane wrote:
I seem to have lost the battle to get people to come back to this unmoderated, free speech board.

Says Briar who only today pleaded for a post to be removed from the Bandwagons board, not because it broke any rules but because she didn't like the tone used.  Some free speech principle you uphold Briar except when you are offended of course!  Hypocrite.

Dear Jane,

You are correct, it was hypocritical of me to complain the way I did,  I thank you for pointing that out.  You may have noticed how I managed to hit back at that to me unpleasant person by calling them  EddyWilly.    I have to reply to you on this board because today the one you created would not let me enter it, asking for my password and I left it always open so I did not have to remember it - at my age one begins to forget things like that.  

I may not bother anymore since it was getting boring anyway, with just very few people saying much the same things over and over.  POC' s board was much better - not your fault directly, its just the few people on it.

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