Trouble WitGetting To Rep[ly on Jane'as Board

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Nov 3, 2014, 3:52:58 PM11/3/14
Have recently attempted to make replies to messages posted on Jane's no longer so new Board, sometimes without success.  Also found that the list of other boards covering the topics are no longer listed, so one has to search through for example Google or one's personal favourites list to reach this board.   There are far fewer people writing in to the Board Jane set up, than POC had in the heyday of this one, so I suspect they were deleted to discourage people from looking elsewhere.  A typical politician-like trick !

I really wanted to discuss Richard's post about the trade union that includes Tube train drivers wanting to go on strike to object to some of their members being sacked for drinking alcoholic beverages on the job !   If this is true (the only reference cited was the DAILY MAIL, which I do not rate as a very reliable Source), then I suggest that as soon as they can those that run the London Tube trains (it used to be London Transport in my time in London, but quite possibly they have all been piratised by now), should hurry the development of Robotic Drivers for tube trains.

A Robot does not need to drink alcohol, or anything else.  It does not get tired or bored.  The tasks required are simple and limited and repetitive, so that humn drivers easily get bored or distracted.  All the driver has to do is to close the doors, start the train, and drive off to the next station, where it stops the train, opens the doors for passengers to get out and in, then close the doors and start the train again.  It does not have to steer the train as it rolls along on lines that it cannot leave.  Red and Green Lights signal when to start and when to stop.  Such work is well within the ability of robots already available, and they will operate far more safely than humans, who get bored, distracted, tired, and it appears need to drink alcohol, which then renders them even worse drivers than they already are.

Passengers would very quickly see how much safer Robots are for driving tube trains.   That a Trade Union would seek to defend people who drive trains whilst drunk, is unacceptable.  With the evidence and the sackings that proove the drivers' unsuitability for being entrusted with the lives of passengers, people would very soon adapt to rely on the safer, less fallible alternative.

Trade Unions in themselves are not to blame - in various countries you can find Trade Unions behaving very differently.
In Sweden they have members sitting on the Board of companies, alongside those representing Shareholders, and they see no conflict of interest, because the Company has to be successful and to make a fair profit in order to pay the workers.  In Germany, they have Betriebsrate, which are like unions but confined to a particular company.  The Representative of the Workers is voted for by the Working Staff, and the Law protects her or him from being sacked by the Management, so that he can really discuss matters arising in an independent manner with the Management, knowing that however tough he is about a matter he is safe.  This works especially well with smaller and medium sized businesses - they have traditional Trade Unions in larger companies in the big, engineering industries.   

In former E European countries during the Communist Era, the Unions were running the show with the Government and the local Management.  Outsiders probably thought that they just pushed the Party Line, but in fact they did often argue to get a better deal or conditons for the working members - they were certainly not just CP Yes-men.

In the USA, some of the trade unions are more like criminal gangs - the Teamsters in particular are or were notorious throughout the world for being corrupt and for playing cruel games with people.

British trade unions can be bloody-minded and stupid, just like the managements, the governents and the workers often are.

I guess it is true that countries get the kinds of unions they deserve, just like they get the kinds of governments they deserve.  


Dec 14, 2014, 7:54:00 PM12/14/14

Docklands have robot drivers Briar and LT would like to have them as much as possible after that late unlamented Union leader , another scargill cared little about the passengers but would blackmail the bosses because he enjoyed doing so.
You cannot be surprised at the direction in which Janes board is going and must surely understand why. It is not a debating board but one which is used like a downtown public bar on a Saturday night and only interested in being downright rude and insulting. Precisely the reason why it was formed in the first place to have a moderator that would prevent exactly whats happened to it.
Sandman tries his best to open up new subjects for debate only to find them hijacked by a couple of posters . He would have had better results had he deleted their posts until they learnt to debate properly. Can you really expect anyone wanting to join in with what is allowed here?
As you say more and more are spending more and more time on other boards.


Jan 13, 2015, 9:43:03 PM1/13/15
Sorry not to have replied earlier.  Here we are in a new year facing another new crisis, well actually TWO at the same time, since our wonderful weather is playing games with us just now. with hurricanes, hail and sleet showers, and all the fun of trying to tie up and fix fences blown down. sweep up broken tiles snatched off rooves, going round to check on terrified old men who have aged a lot faster than little me, to get their shopping order and then getting their messages for them.  Driving the car VERY CAREFULLY, since a few have been blown off the road and into the breakers that at certain places wash over the road.  Getting out at the local Post Offfice had to be done holding hard onto the car door or the wind would have ripped it off.   Though the shop is open little if any mail is going out, and few letters are coming in.  The airport and ferries are closed down as the storms are too dangerous.  A lot of xmas cards were sucked into the sea before xmas, and we could not find out which ones had drowned so I had to send two times to increase the chance that people got theirs at least once.  Even the phones and computer connexions have been dodgy, with power outages lasting from all day to a few minutes several times nearly every day.  

Winter storms are quite normal out here, but this year they have been going on since just before the xmas feasts and show no signs of leaving us in peace even now/

The spring bulbs will be peeping out of the ground soon though,.

And tonight I woke up and lo and behold, GPPS was back on the List of sites shown on Jane's Board so I thought I will try to revive this one !

A happy and despite it all prosperous 2015 I wish to all who read me here !




Feb 19, 2015, 11:06:37 AM2/19/15
If only you could start it up with certain people barred it wouldnt be long before an adult debating board would grow.
The newer one with a host was an excellent idea in theory but as you can see broke down in wasnt long before i identified Jonsky using the name micro and i realise why when i asked Jane she was anxious to admit to the truth. Too oobvious. Anyhow it did tone down some of the posts and some of the OZ contingent had to struggle tomstay on.
Now theresvhardly any difference beteen that old one and this present one.
Until polite and adult conversation can be the order of the day is guaranteed as it should be the numbers will continue to become less and les


Feb 23, 2015, 9:05:56 PM2/23/15

More BOLLOCKS from jersey...It was NO secret I changed my handle...Funny tho fella not a fucking peep from you over the fact that both locky and ewill did the same...You are the one who fucks up these boards with your constant tory arse licking derived from some peice of bullshit wot you read somewhere...Why don't you start a board fella about the shit hole you live on and but out of the UK's affairs as it is fuck all to do with you and you know jack shit about living in the UK..


Feb 24, 2015, 11:57:50 AM2/24/15
You've got a laugh at that hypocrite from Jersey, uses a different tag on the new board as well.

The rest of your post, although harsh, seems extremely fair.


Apr 24, 2015, 6:09:28 PM4/24/15
And now not content with closing the other board the same pair seem to want to do the same to this board. Which of course needed a monitor to control them. As soon as Jane went so did the board. Sandman is handicapped due to personal relationships.
As for you old chap of course you are going to support your only supporter. Nothing new there


Apr 26, 2015, 1:15:47 AM4/26/15
Oh look whats turned up...The only one to fuck these boards fella was are not fucking adult enough to be allowed on the net without adult supervision.....Not as this country is fuck all to do with you anyway as you chose to piss off rather than pay your dues here..You are just another self serving arsehole who just personifies the tory SCUMS mindset and attitude..


Apr 26, 2015, 5:28:55 PM4/26/15
Your post underlines the accuracy of my statement about the reasons for these boards dying. Who but a thicko would want to be on a board where this sort of post is allowed.
That is why the new board was introduced but you were allowed to post this rubbisg


Apr 28, 2015, 10:42:57 PM4/28/15
The reason the other board was introduced because arseholes like you didn't like their bullshit challenged and you had to have someone to hold your hand. You were the main instigator of wanting another board but what you thought would happen is that you would be able to post your usual bullshit of wot you read somewhere unchallenged,,....And as for my post being rubbish, when has the TRUTH ever been seen as rubbish?


May 2, 2015, 5:55:35 AM5/2/15
Delusional claptrap. Even you must know the truth of the mattef but cannot bring yourself to admit to it.
If the board was so bad when i was on it and got fed up with your idea of debate andleft you to it.
Where is it now? Fact is you have no one else to insult so its lost its attraction for you.


May 3, 2015, 6:18:17 AM5/3/15
The only one uttering delusional claptrap is you fella...You have single highhandedly fucked both these boards and as for me not having and as for me having nowhere else to go I have been a member on other google political groups for years...But of course they are made up by members who are adult and can back their stance with facts, links and figures rather than using made up pro tory shite that they supposedly read somewhere..


May 3, 2015, 7:24:55 PM5/3/15
Lol what are you doing on it if its adult. Youre posts along with a few other poisoned minds are clearly to blame for the demise of these boards otherwise logically and i know thats difficult for you. People would have flocked back to it. They havmt , which is is a shame because you will all go on to infect other boards.
People who have minds like yours are never happy and you dont deserve to be.
Maybe downright ignorance affords you some relief.
Signing off.


May 4, 2015, 6:29:30 AM5/4/15
Conversely, the 'moderator' was required to castigate you so frequently for board infractions, she finally gave up.


May 4, 2015, 6:36:14 AM5/4/15
I would suggest most people were sick and tired of the endless stream of Tory lies, spin and BS that, once challenged and shown to be erroneous, would simply reappear a few days later.


May 4, 2015, 1:07:44 PM5/4/15
And another bunch of bollocks from jersey...Good sign off for good fella...There is enough shit on the net already..


May 5, 2015, 5:15:46 PM5/5/15
To suggest that you must have access to the private ems that occured between Jane and I.
You didnt. That makes you out to be the liar we always knew you to be. You should be happy trying to convince weak characters like Jonsky . Everyone else can see you for what you are.


May 5, 2015, 5:16:41 PM5/5/15


May 5, 2015, 5:16:42 PM5/5/15


May 5, 2015, 5:17:08 PM5/5/15


May 5, 2015, 5:24:45 PM5/5/15
Then as usual you would be wrong . To be right when i left the board all those that didnt like or couldnt face the Tory version should have rushed back! Where are they .


May 5, 2015, 6:42:56 PM5/5/15
What makes you believe you as a failed supporter of a failed political party think you can pontificate to a successful business and family man. You mention that i had to be chastised yet cant bring yourself to include your supporter who has had more deltionsthan the rest of the board put together. Youre all over the place and have no balenced arguement to offer.


May 6, 2015, 8:14:55 AM5/6/15
The proof of your constant infraction of board rules, and the castigation given to you by the moderator, are on said board.

Thems the facts, whereas you are proven to be a liar again and again.

What I am is someone that was able to easily dismantle your constant flow of whinging, whining Tory BS, hence your tired, yet flawed, analysis of my character. 

On Tuesday, May 5, 2015 at 10:15:46 PM UTC+1, jaria wrote:


May 6, 2015, 8:22:31 AM5/6/15
I don't pontificate to you jar, I give/gave you facts. Facts that prove you to be nothing but whinging whining liar.

What has your alleged 'success' got to do with your inability to offer adult debate ?


Jul 6, 2015, 10:00:50 AM7/6/15
Firstly its important to find adults without baggage to have adult debate with.AWM whatever happened has caused too much damage to you to qualify.
Getting backing from people able to offer adult debate would help but cretins like Jonsky whos support you rely on shows that only people of his calibre rate you and its gone to your head.


Jul 7, 2015, 7:04:07 AM7/7/15
Oh look AWM the self deluded jersey prick is back again..


Jul 12, 2015, 4:51:00 AM7/12/15
I'd be pleased if all of you joined and ared your views there where the numbers of posters is enough to present a much wider degree of opinion ans analysis of current affairs. 
And stir things up a bit more .......... that would be nice too.


Jul 12, 2015, 4:53:07 AM7/12/15

On Sunday, 12 July 2015 09:51:00 UTC+1, Affa wrote:

On Tuesday, 7 July 2015 12:04:07 UTC+1, Jonksy wrote:
Oh look AWM the self deluded jersey prick is back again..

On Monday, 6 July 2015 15:00:50 UTC+1, jaria wrote:
Firstly its important to find adults without baggage to have adult debate with.AWM whatever happened has caused too much damage to you to qualify.
Getting backing from people able to offer adult debate would help but cretins like Jonsky whos support you rely on shows that only people of his calibre rate you and its gone to your head.

I'd be pleased if all of you joined and aired your views there where the numbers of posters is enough to present a much wider degree of opinion ans analysis of current affairs. 
And stir things up a bit more .......... that would be nice too.

 the missing 'i' has been found

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