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Oct 1, 2013, 4:31:13 PM10/1/13
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com
The last couple of days over on the Lady Jane' s Board, the amount of censorship, arbitrary deleting of posts, had increased to alarming proportions.  It reminds me of certain dictatorships that allowed the Press, but the papers had a lot of blank back lines making it impossible to see what had been written. 
Those who believe free people should be entitled to express their opinions without censorship, I invited back here.  There really is no sense in having the Janeboard, when this one is still running, without censorship..
Most of you who visit either place is British.  I would remind you that your grnadparents and maybe parents fought and many died fighting for your right to express your opinion, and not be deleted or locked up.  If you support this Janeist KGB, you are, in the opinion of many, insulting the memory of your fathers' and grandfathers'  generation.
Now, it was a while ago and many of you are maybe too young to have experienced what it was like in the UK during WW2, so I forgive you, but please stop now you know and come back to this true and free place, where we do no censorship, where you can still use the rights your ancestors fought and died for you to have.
You will ALL be welcome here.


Oct 4, 2013, 10:21:45 AM10/4/13
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com
Since posting there have been 5 silent visitors, who did NOT leave a message.  The others were me looking in.


Oct 19, 2013, 4:30:24 PM10/19/13
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com


Oct 27, 2013, 5:46:10 AM10/27/13
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com
Briar!  Initially, you are being thoughtless to POC.  You have no right or sense to ask posters to post THAT which for his own legal protection POC  refused.
Secondly.  I did reqwest a link to the other board...You HAVE seen my reqwest...Yet you denied reply.
However;  I managed to find it.   Even on Janes(who I note is no longer the moderater) you insist on advising posters to swear etc on POCs old board.  wake up Briar.

On Tuesday, October 1, 2013 9:31:13 PM UTC+1, Briar wrote:


Oct 27, 2013, 2:54:16 PM10/27/13
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com

It was so nice to hear from you again PooH, and Sam too .......... we are too few these days.


Oct 28, 2013, 4:51:40 AM10/28/13
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com
Ever pleased to see you Affa  xx+
I thought..As I have no interest in politics ,I could make film posts.   lately discovering the genious of actor Mark Strong.
I have almost collected ...from a kindly DVD/sll rental shop  nifh all of Mark Strongs super films


Oct 29, 2013, 7:50:34 AM10/29/13
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com

On Monday, 28 October 2013 08:51:40 UTC, MIDGE wrote:

I thought..As I have no interest in politics ,I could make film posts.   lately discovering the genious of actor Mark Strong.

We have similar tastes PooH. I recently watched him in Kick Ass, a film I had no inclination to watch at all, but fell for the hype in reviews I'd read - and was happy I did.
You can watch even the very latest films online these days, and with an HDMI connector watch on your big screen TV. 
I have a liking for oriental (historical) movies, China, Japan, and Thai and can find lots on the computer (mostly subtittled). Red Cliff is a must see imo, and I recently watched Painted Skin, 1 and 2, a retelling of an old Chinese fantasy story. The sort told to frighten children. lol.

Here's a tip, watch Byzantium (2012) - I'm loath to recommend films too strongly as tastes vary so much, but I enjoyed this British take on the Twilight genre.

I still prefer to go to the cinema for films I eagerly wait for. 



Oct 31, 2013, 9:50:53 AM10/31/13
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com
On Sunday, 27 October 2013 18:54:16 UTC, Affa wrote:
> It was so nice to hear from you again PooH, and Sam too .......... we are too few these days.

If you accept the fact that we are too few these days you should be criticising Jonsky and his pals posts. I've explained in my time I have worked with and spent many happy times with people who swear as they say like troopers. I have also been with people that are not pleasant people to be with.
There wasn't much I could do about it in a very busy Pub and disco but up in the residents bar it was in my interests to see people behaved in a civilised manner . If I didn't then I'd loose custom to those that did.
If you don't bother about uncivilised behaviour, unpleasantness and gutter language then you cannot expect those that do to join the board of course the Australian contingent would be delighted to know that this sort of behaviour is tolerated but I doubt if others would be keen to join


Oct 31, 2013, 10:35:19 AM10/31/13
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com

On Thursday, 31 October 2013 13:50:53 UTC, jaria wrote:

If you accept the fact that we are too few these days you should be criticising Jonsky and his pals posts.

Ever heard the phrase 'enough to make a Parson swear'?


Oct 31, 2013, 10:46:08 AM10/31/13
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com
Yes AFFA but as you know its an excuse, he'd hardly do so in the middle of a service he's conducting.
Don't you think there are times when I'd like to let off a volley.
I don't know how deep your rose tinted glasses are when judging Jonskeys hate posts littered with words in almost every post that are but an insult to any lady present . My point was do you think it would encourage people to join this forum and apart from the OZ crowd I can think of only one answer.
Watch it get worse if he's not censored
You know the reason hey he does it


Oct 31, 2013, 10:46:09 AM10/31/13
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com


Nov 3, 2013, 6:15:36 AM11/3/13
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com

He is nothing but a CUNT Affa and would make the virgin Mary herself swear..:He is the one who has turned the new board into nothing but a blackboard for his bullshit and spam the same as he did this one....

On Thursday, 31 October 2013 14:35:19 UTC,


Nov 3, 2013, 9:05:10 AM11/3/13
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com
I realise this is an example of how you would like the board to be but that is the reason why the new one was formed.
You are no saint or Virgin Mary so that cuts out those excuses.
You just don't like being recognised for what you are a nasty insignificant toad that has never made it socially or in business. Your chip shows through very clearly.


Nov 3, 2013, 9:24:11 AM11/3/13
to gpn-general-po...@googlegroups.com
And you are jus a tory cock sucker jar,,And the best thing odf all is the FACT that this country is fuck all to do with you and we have enough scumbuckets here already without the likes of useless cunts like you poking your nose in..
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