Gov 2.0 T-shirt

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Steve Ressler

Mar 17, 2009, 10:48:42 AM3/17/09
Matt and I were never able to finalize with Genius Rocket on crowdsourcing the t-shirt as well as finalizing the printer for the Gov 2.0 Camp t-shirt.

So I created the following t-shirt which is a special Gov 2.0 Camp version of the normal GovLoop shirt I have for sale on Zazzle.

Does that work?  If so, I'll purchase 15-20 for us and others - and ask for $20 each to break even

If I get the go ahead and put in the order this afternoon and get them shipped quickly, I should have them by next Thursday.


On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 10:28 AM, maxine <> wrote:

TIME CHANGE: Unfortunately, our contact at Duke Ellington, Ron, is
only able to meet with us this THURSDAY, 3/19 AT 12:00 NOON AT 3500 R
STREET, NW, DUKE ELLINGTON.  I know that this is not ideal, as many
folks can't meet until later, but we've got to go with his schedule
(the reason is because the entire school is going on a field trip that
afternoon into evening and he is part of that).

So, please let me know if you CAN make it at 12 NOON THIS THURSDAY.
If you cannot, but have questions (Matt, Lovisa, etc.) either send a
representative or send the questions to me ahead of time.  If you're
accessible by phone at that time, I can call you for further
clarification, if necessary.  When you go in (through security), tell
them you're here to see Ron Newman.


iStrategyLabs' offices at 1510 19th Street NW (Dupont Circle).  We
will order pizza.  If you have a chance and can bring something like a
bottle of soda, wine, napkins, plates, plastic forks, etc., that would
be great.

Will will have lots of jobs that need to get done coming out of these
two meetings, so stay tuned for ways to help if you're unable to
attend the meeting on Sunday....

Thanks so much,


Mar 17, 2009, 11:11:26 AM3/17/09
to Government 2.0 Camp
Steve, thank you for putting in the effort. A couple things:

1) The shirt has gov-loop branding on the back by the way
2) We can't approve any expenditures till tomorrow night when we have
an org. meeting call and try to close out the budget allocations
3) Feel free to purchase your own shirts, but not from the over-
arching budget as we are going to be very tight on funds do to the
venue costs.


On Mar 17, 10:48 am, Steve Ressler <> wrote:
> Matt and I were never able to finalize with Genius Rocket on crowdsourcing
> the t-shirt as well as finalizing the printer for the Gov 2.0 Camp t-shirt.
> So I created the following t-shirt which is a special Gov 2.0 Camp version
> of the normal GovLoop shirt I have for sale on Zazzle.
> Does that work?  If so, I'll purchase 15-20 for us and others - and ask for
> $20 each to break even
> If I get the go ahead and put in the order this afternoon and get them
> shipped quickly, I should have them by next Thursday.
> -Steve

Steve Ressler

Mar 17, 2009, 11:30:10 AM3/17/09

1) I just took the GovLoop t-shirt Adriel created before and switched the logos on the front.  I'm happy to pull it off the logo on the back as well if that's annoying.

2) Sounds good.  I'l skip the budget and  just float it and purchase 20 or so and see if I can recoup for fun.  I don't think we have a ton of time to make sure they are here in time.  And maybe they'll become collectors items and scalped out on ebay.
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