Are you participating in Innovation Month?

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Craig Thomler

Jul 8, 2014, 2:35:02 AM7/8/14
Innovation Month has just started for the public service, and there's events on around the country over the next four week.

To see what's coming up, visit the Australian Government Innovation Blog:

Some of the key events include:

GovHack ( 11-13 July
GovHack is an event to draw together people from government, industry, academia and of course, the general public to mashup, reuse, and remix government data. 

Join over 1,200 registered participants across 10 locations in Australia to find new ways to do great things and encouraging open government and open data.

There's even prizes (being announced soon)!

GovCamp ( 19 July
GovCamp is an invitation to be part of an ongoing conversation to inspire and shape new opportunities around innovation for public purpose. 

It is an opportunity to talk with a mix of people – from inside and outside government, from the worlds of technology and policy, of community and universities – about sharing ideas for public-purpose innovation in ways that support real-world momentum.

Taking place in six metro locations simultaneously, GovCamp is an organic event where the hundreds of participants can choose the topics they wish to discuss.

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