EGU2024 (Vienna): Ocean Surface Layer Session

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Lars Umlauf

Dec 5, 2023, 3:58:09 AM12/5/23

Dear Colleagues,

We are happy to announce Session OS1.7 The ocean surface layer: multi-scale dynamics and atmosphere-ocean interactions at the EGU Assembly 2024 on 14-19 April 2024 in Vienna, Austria.

Abstracts for oral and poster presentations can now be submitted at:
until 10 January 2024, 13 CET.

Please feel free to share this accouncement with anyone interested. We welcome contributions from a broad range of topics (see abstract below) and particularly encourage early career researchers to participate in this session.

Your session conveners,

Anne Marie Treguier (Laboratoire d'oceanographie physique et Spatiale, France)
Lars Umlauf (Leibniz-Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Germany)
Jeff Carpenter (Helmholtz-Center Heron, Germany)
Pauline Tedesco (University of Cambridge, UK)


Session abstract: The ocean surface layer mediates the transfer of matter, energy, momentum and trace gases between the atmosphere, ocean and sea ice, and thus plays a central role in the dynamics of the climate system. This session will focus on the ocean surface layer globally, from the coasts to the pelagic ocean. The session covers recent progress in understanding key processes in the ocean surface layer, including wind-driven turbulence, surface-wave effects, convection, surface-layer fronts, surface-layer instabilities, submesoscale dynamics, diurnal warm and rain layers, and surface layer communication with the ocean’s interior. Particular emphasis is placed on the impact of ocean surface-layer processes on air-sea fluxes and feedbacks in field experiments and coupled atmosphere-ocean models. This includes SST coupling with the atmospheric boundary layer, tropical cyclones, extreme events, and parameterizations of air-sea interactions. The interaction of the ocean surface layer with sea ice is also of particular interest. This session welcomes observational, numerical, laboratory and theoretical studies focusing on the ocean surface layer and its interactions with the atmosphere and sea ice, regardless of the temporal and spatial scales considered.

Lars Umlauf

Physical Oceanography and Instrumentation
Leibniz-Institute for Baltic Sea Research

phone : ++49 381 5197 223
fax   : ++49 381 5197 114
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Leibniz-Institute for Baltic Sea Research
Seestrasse 15
D-18119 Rostock-Warnemuende
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