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GOSS this Wednesday: Nick Meyer, "Heegaard Splittings and Trisections 101: A Crash Course in Manifold Decompositions in Dimensions Three and Four"

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D. Zack Garza

Jun 7, 2021, 12:06:37 PM6/7/21
to GOSS 2021
Dear all, 

Our next talk will be this Wednesday June 2nd from 3-4 PM EST. We'll be hearing from Sven Cattell on the use of machine learning in security plus some tips for those thinking about industry. See below for more info.

You can find the schedule of upcoming talks and speakers here, and past talks on the YT channel. Please also glance over participant guidelines and code of conduct on the seminar website before joining!


Nick Meyer, University of Nebraska, Lincoln

Heegaard Splittings and Trisections 101: A Crash Course in Manifold Decompositions in Dimensions Three and Four

In this talk, I will discuss Heegaard splittings of 3-manifolds and trisections of 4-manifolds. These decompositions cut the manifold into 1-handlebodies of appropriate dimension whose common intersection is a closed, orientable surface. By studying these decompositions, we obtain lots of information about the manifolds that they determine. This talk is based in part on David Gay's "From Heegaard splittings to trisections; porting 3-dimensional ideas to dimension 4.


Zoom Info:



D. Zack Garza

Jun 7, 2021, 1:31:30 PM6/7/21
to GOSS 2021
Dear all,

Just a quick correction: the date on the previous email should have read Wednesday, June 9th, not the 2nd!


D. Zack Garza

Jun 9, 2021, 11:36:48 AM6/9/21
to GOSS 2021
Dear all,

Just a reminder that we'll be hearing from Nick at 3 PM EST today! Meeting info below.



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