Nvidia Geforce4 problem

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Steven Peters

Jul 14, 2009, 8:55:32 AM7/14/09
to gOS Linux
Hello all,

I originally posted this issue here : http://gosforums.org/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=445



First off, I want you all to know that I am *very* new to gOS, Ubuntu
and the like.

Here's my issue, gOS will not allow me to "enable" the restricted
driver for my nvida card. To make things more complicated, or strange
however you want to look at it. I wiped out WinXP last week, and was
wanting to experiment with Ubuntu, I installed it, played with it for
a few days, removed it, and installed Kubuntu. I played with Kubuntu
for a few days as well, then as luck would have it, I found gOS which
seems to be exactly what I am wanting.

Now, when I was using Ubuntu and Kubuntu, it allowed me to enable that
restricted driver, which caused everything to look and flow better.
But when I try to enable it on gOS, I get an error and it will not
enable it.

I tried using EnvyNG - no luck
I went to nvidia's website and d/l a driver, and when I tried to
install that, it told me that "X server is running, shut it down
first" - ? not sure how to do that.

gOS is currently running very "stuttery" at the moment, and I am sure
it's because I can't enable that driver (ubuntu and kubuntu ran

My system:

AMD 2.1ghz
1GB ram
Asus mobo
on board sound
gOS is the only thing installed on it

it's an older machine, but I want to experiment on it rather than my
new laptop and desktop.


Nonsense, for gOS this is a "high end machine", It runs "stutter-less"
on machines half the clock speed, and a quarter of the RAM.

gOS doesn't use all the features per default of a nVidia card, but it
DOES recognize the card, and should have a working driver for it
already (except perhaps when its very-very-new). To turn it on you
need to set the right monitor type, and acknowledge the recognized
video card.
For that you need the program "screens and graphics", unfortunately
its normally hidden, you have to "unhide" it with another program, a
"menu editor", called main-menu. Look in the configuration section of
the menu's.

Its NOT common for Linux to manually install drivers, Drivers (like
video drivers) are incorporated into the kernel, and to add drivers
you need to replace the kernel, with one compiled with the specific
driver added, which is something only the experts do when compiling a
Drivers can be added afterwards, but there normally never a need for
it (except perhaps for wireless (WiFi) drivers, as there is a lot of
change in that field.
So installing drivers yourself is simply not a typical task for a
normal user, as gOS normally can work with all common hardware, out of
the box (as you don't have to own the hardware to get the driver).



Thank you for your response, I have set the monitor as you stated, but
it still refuses to enable the restricted driver.

I also go through the "Screens and Graphics" to manually choose my
video card, nothing changes. I took some screenshots, I am at a loss
on how to proceed, I have scoured other websites on possible fixes,
would you have any idea why it refuses to enable the "restricted
driver" in gOS, when it did accept it in Ubuntu and Kubuntu?


*if you visit the original post, I posted some screenshots, to be
quite honest here, I am frustrated to the point of givning up on gOS
and going to Ubuntu. I don't want to do that, because gOS is exactly
what I am wanting, any help anyone can provide would be appreciated
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Jul 14, 2009, 7:10:09 PM7/14/09
to gOS Linux
perhaps this information about installing the restricted packages
help. The built in drivers are created by the open source community,
perhaps you need to use the official nvidea drivers.
gOS does not come with any restricted drivers per default, but you
install them easy enough.
please read this message here, about a similar case.


you can also search for "restricted" in the search box top right

Steven Peters

Jul 15, 2009, 12:12:15 AM7/15/09
to gOS Linux
I actually did search "restricted","nividia","video drivers" etc... on
here before I posted, I assure you I tried everything I could find.

But, this evening, I decided not to fight it any longer and removed
gOS and re-installed Ubuntu 9.04, and everything is working smoothly.
Although gOS is truly what I am wanting, I will wait for the next
version/release and try again. I appreciate the information and help I
have been given.

On Jul 14, 7:10 pm, mahjongg <mahjo...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
> perhaps this information about installing the restricted packages
> will
> help. The built in drivers are created by the open source community,
> perhaps you need to use the official nvidea drivers.
> gOS does not come with any restricted drivers per default, but you
> can
> install them easy enough.
> please read this message here, about a similar case.
> http://groups.google.com/group/goslinux/browse_frm/thread/96ab435d1dd...


Jul 15, 2009, 8:30:50 PM7/15/09
to gOS Linux
Sorry gOS did not work for you. You can use the gOS themes etc. on
Ubuntu by following these directions:


The instructions are for Intrepid, but should work on Jaunty as well


Steven Peters

Jul 15, 2009, 8:46:00 PM7/15/09
to gOS Linux
Thanks, and keep in mind this experience did not leave a bad taste in
my mouth whatsoever, in fact I am finding it quite educational and fun
playing around with Ubuntu, gOS, Kubuntu.

I appreciate the link, but I have my interface set (very gOS like
btw), and to be honest things on Ubuntu are far easier to do and learn
than I expected, I do not have a handle on the "terminal" window
typing commands thing down, but so far I have been able to find
commands that I need on here/internet, and just copy and paste.

I look forward to hanging around here, and I will be trying gOS again.

On Jul 15, 8:30 pm, PenguinsCanFly <trdofms...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry gOS did not work for you.  You can use the gOS themes etc. on
> Ubuntu by following these directions:
> http://ajlcom.instantspot.com/blog/2009/02/06/Turn-your-Ubuntu-810-in...
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