No configuration SMS + manual configuration not an option

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Aug 1, 2007, 5:36:37 AM8/1/07
to GooSync

With great excitement I've registered with GooSync hoping to sync my
Nokia 6021 calender with Google Calendar.
Unfortunately I've never received the configurations sms needed to
setup the phone syncronisation.
Manual configuration is not an option ... when I try I'm told to get
the configuration from my operator.

My GooSync username is thulle

Hope you can help

Thanks and regards
Jørgen Thulstrup

Stuart - GooSync Support

Aug 3, 2007, 10:35:02 AM8/3/07
to GooSync

Our records show the configuration message was sent successfully to
the number provided. It's possible your network provider could have
blocked the message based on its format (certain providers reject
binary configuration messages).

However, all supported devices can be manually configured.

If your device is informing you that you require settings from your
operator then this is more than likely referring to your WAP/GPRS

For most Nokia devices the sync application is found under the
Connectivity menu. Inside here, once a sync profile has been created,
you will need to provide the following information:

* Sync Profile Name - enter an identifying name for the profile
* Data Bearer - select Web
* Access Point - select the required access point for your mobile
device account
* Host Address - set this to
* Port - leave this set to 80 for standard connection or 443 for
SSL connections
* User Name - set this to your GooSync username
* Password - set this to your GooSync password

You will also need to specify a remote database name of Calendar for
the calendar settings.

It's in here that you will need to specify a network access point. If
none are setup on your device then you will be prompted to obtain them
from your network provider.

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